Hunter Biden’s Stripper Ex-Girlfriend Spills the Beans, Makes Him Sound Even More Degenerate


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[Hitler was careful with women! Jan]

A former stripper who appears nude in multiple photos found on Hunter Biden’s laptop calls him a “shady dude” in a new interview in which she says during the time she knew him, crack cocaine was Hunter Biden’s true love.

Allie Kennedy spoke to the U.K. Daily Mail in an interview published Tuesday, analyzing Hunter Biden as the lost child in his family, and the “whipping boy.”

“I truly think that he’s been lost since he was a little boy,” she said. “He’d say that he was the black sheep and he’d always been second to Beau. Beau is the hero, the white knight.”

She said as a result of “very deep conversations with him,” she concluded Hunter Biden is “kind of the whipping boy of the family. I don’t think that the man was ever properly loved by his parents. I think for his father’s approval, he would do anything. I think that’s how he was stupid enough to get tied into that Russia, China, Ukraine business. He just wanted his father’s approval and love.”

“Hunter’s a soft person and when his brother died, I think everything fell apart for him,” she said.

Hunter Biden was “obsessed” with crack cocaine, she said.

“He would talk about how crack was the greatest drug, more pure than cocaine. He’d say it’s not a poor man’s drug and he’d give me all these crazy facts about crack. He really loves crack. It’s kind of weird. He’d say actually, it’s the purest form. It’s way healthier for you than cocaine. I was like, ‘listen to that sentence Hunter. Stop talking,’” she said.

She said Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter Biden’s brother, Beau, also indulged.

“One night he left me and Hallie at the table together at dinner. She slid next to me and said ‘I know it looks weird. You’re probably judging me. But I never cheated on my husband.’ She wanted to make it very clear to me. I was, like, ‘cheated on your husband or not, this is your brother-in-law. This is so frickin’ weird.’

“She told me that they started hooking up kind of like a trauma bond. She was also on crack, she was probably paranoid that I was judging her. That night she was smoking crack and saying ‘I never do this.’ I was like, ‘I don’t know girl, you look like you know what you’re doing to me,’” she said.

Kennedy said she met Hunter Biden because he wanted a spray tan in his hotel room.

“He needed a spray tan at like nine o’clock at night. Now we know he was probably cracked out. I show up and it’s three girls in his room. I guess he was living in the hotel at this point. I did the spray tan, he tipped me $500. And then he gave me an extra $300 to do the other girls. I was like, oh my god, I just made $800 in 20 minutes. Of course, I took his card,” she said.

She said despite the naked pictures they sent one another, she didn’t have sex with Hunter Biden until a one-night stand almost the end of their relationship.

She said panic was a regular feature of Hunter Biden’s behavior in 2018 and early 2019.

“Every time I talked to him he was in some kind of a panic about something that was going to come out in the media,” Kennedy said, noting the last time she saw him was in April 2019.

“He said he had to take me to dinner and he had to tell me something. He was acting erratic. I knew that he was back on drugs again. He comes to dinner, his daughter was there. He was running in and out, sweating profusely, on his phone the whole time and panicky,” she said.

“That conversation was kind of like him saying, ‘this is the last time you’re gonna hear from me because my dad’s gonna be the president.’ He just begged that I didn’t try to go to the media and say bad things about him. Then I never heard from him again,” she said.

She said she was irked that her private relationship became public after the contents of Hunter Bidne’s laptop became public.

“That was in 2019. And here we are in 2023 and he hasn’t said a damn word. No apologies. Nothing. For him to not even try to protect me a little bit, what a scumbag!” she said.

“After seeing the things I saw on the laptop, I’m like, ‘why did I vouch for you?’ What a shady dude,” she said.

Kennedy said her relationship was a game, according to the New York Post.

“I had a few guys like Hunter who I would lead on and take tips and shopping from and leave them hanging. I was able to finesse Hunter without sex because I’m beautiful and smart,” she said.

The former stripper, who is now an esthetician specializing in spray tans, according to the Daily Mail, said Hunter Biden was an easily manipulated “puppy” who was heavily dependent on his father’s power and political prestige.

A release from the House Oversight Committee last week said that in a transcribed interview with Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, “Archer confirmed then-Vice President Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family. Then-Vice President Biden joined Hunter Biden and his business associates for dinners or by phone over 20 times to sell ‘the brand’ and send a signal about their power, access, and influence.”


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