Humor: 5 Memes: From Donald Trump to you! – How to make America GREAT again!
Video & Audio: The Mysterious Jewish Tunnels at the New York Synagogue
The Jews were caught unexpectedly at this. Here is an analysis of what we know so far and why I am extremely skeptical about the Jewish stories that relate to this. Note that the Jews even claim that their famous Rabbi is/was the Messiah!
[I laughed at this Trump meme. Sadly, its true! Sadly! Donald Trump strikes me as a “team player”. That’s how you get rich. You can’t alienate the other rich. Smoloko’s meme above says it all! Jan]
I had to chuckle a bit. The meme I’d like to see is: Make America Israel Again! I thought that would be twisted and screwed up and funny. (We have to laugh sometimes at the madness). But in fact this is the meme people have made a LOT of: Make Israel Great again!
Smoloko explained the real answer to making America great again, and I’m afraid this is the true answer … tried and tested by whites on HUNDREDS of occasions … on how to deal with the Jews properly!
But if you truly want to find the men who can and would make America Great again, here are the two of them!
Hitler and Rockwell!!
White Shop: Adolf Hitler Painting: Courtyard in central Munich
The Fuhrer was a talented artist and this is one of his most famous watercolors. It is a picture of a Courtyard in central Munich just round the corner from the Hofbrau House.