How long have we been human? Modern Man & Neanderthals … & Professor Quigley
S.Africa: Oprahs Embarrassing Girls school could end up expelling more
One of the Black girls was sent to Tara Hospital which is basically a mental institution. Oprahs, school had many problems... later they just did everything in secret and there‘s a lot of security. It still exists.
[I'm currently studying Quigley with great fascination in order to understand how he arrived at his conclusions. I noted that he believes modern humans have been around for 900,000 years. But I see by modern definitions, scientists say 200,000 years. Quigley seems to have been an admirer of the Neanderthals, and he talks about their interbreeding with us. He's a fascinating writer. My original purpose was to get to the bottom of what the elite believe since he seems to have had a massive influence on Americans who came to power. Like most modern scholars he believes in the Out of Africa theory of humans. This does not bother me. Even according to him, if we came from Africa, we eventually learned to live in the ice and snow and that's how we became white. He had many positive things to say about the Neanderthals being almost as intelligent as us and that they too had fire, clothing and some form of worship. We interbred with some of them. Some of their DNA is found in us. I have much to say about Quigley, but first I want to finish going through the material. Jan]
This year I greeted my new Biological Anthropology students with a chalked timeline of some human-evolution highlights:
6-7 million years ago: Start of the human lineage, following a split with the lineage containing chimpanzees and gorillas
2.6 mya: Onset of large-scale making and use of stone tool technology
2.5 mya: First human ancestors in our own genus, Homo
200,000 years ago: First modern humans, Homo sapiens
30,000: Cave paintings and rock paintings begin to emerge on multiple continents
Around 12,000: Onset of agriculture and human settlements. Up until this period, all human groups lived by hunting and gathering. (This transition was neither linear nor simple.)
Does one date, midway in the pack, snag the eye? 200,000 years ago, Homo sapiens emerged.
That’s us.
But can we really affix a date to becoming human? Here’s a question too complex for first-day-of-class lists. I’ve written elsewhere that I love my field because doing anthropology so often starts with agitated questions. “For how long have we been human?” surely counts as one of those.
The 200,000 date refers to the earliest known anatomically modern humans, skeletons found at places like Omo and Herto in Ethiopia. They represent people with slender body types, high foreheads, and reduced brow ridges compared to Neanderthals or earlier human ancestors.
But no one would argue that becoming human is about anatomy.
And who’s to say that Neanderthals, though a different species, weren’t human? They looked different from us — more robust, with thicker and strong bones and a different shape skull. But they made sophisticated tools and, at least in some places, thought symbolically and buried their dead. Neanderthals co-existed with us, and as we’re just finding out, so did the Denisovan people living in Siberia tens of thousands of years ago.
So when did modern behavior emerge? Talk about fraught questions!
Last year, archaeologist Christopher Henshilwood and his team described what they term a paint factory at Blombos Cave, a Homo sapiens site perched on a cliff overlooking South Africa’s Indian Ocean. There, people used tools to grind ocher into powder, and applied charcoal and oil from seal bones to mix up red and yellow paint. There’s a short video clip included here that offers good visual access to the artifacts.
We don’t know how the paints were used: no painted walls or objects have been found. Perhaps people painted their bodies?
In any case, it’s the date of this paint factory that is jaw-dropping: 100,000 years ago. For a long time anthropologists didn’t expect to find this sort of pointer to complex human symbolic and creative activity so long ago or, it has to be said, in Africa. (The home of modern human behavior had been thought to be Europe.)
Were the people living at Blombos carrying out modern human behaviors? Christopher Henshilwood thinks the answer to that question is a resounding “yes.”
Right now (even as scientists search for older evidence elsewhere), it seems that there may have been a newly creative and inventive period in Europe around 40,000 years ago. That’s where and when, it was announced this summer, we find new manifestations of humanity, including musical instruments such as flutes of bird bones and mammoth ivory found in Germany.
One thing my students will learn this semester is that straightforward questions about humans and our past rarely have straightforward answers. That’s precisely what makes asking the questions in the first place so worthwhile, and fabulously enjoyable.
Video: BANNED: The World War the Jews LOST! (1919-1939)
This video was not long on youtube when they banned it. I keep hearing from close friends as well as from other people who do analyses that the Jews ALWAYS WIN! The Jews NEVER LOSE! This is utter nonsense.