How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World – My Comments
Pics: DIVERSITY HORROR: The burning to death of a White Woman NYC
I published the photo that went viral. The Police were hiding her identity, but someone found out who she is and I published that too. It‘s a horrific story.
[I don't believe an American military coup can ever happen. However, this blogger writes and claims that there would be a portion of the US population who would support a military coup if it were to stop the shredding of the constitution. I find this an interesting line of thinking and am therefore publishing this for interest. BUT I REPEAT THIS CAN AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN. The elite and the Jews already have all the senior military leaders in their pockets. The only military who will be on our side will be other common Whites like us. I should mention that the article below was written in 2013, so that is long ago, and that was long before wilder, crazier things like rigging a US Presidential election happened. I don't believe for a second that a credible American Military Coup is possible either now … or EVER!! Jan]
The US military is one of the few institutions in America that draws its members from all races and religions with blood relatives in all ethnic groups except for Jews. We are under threat of extinction from our self-appointed leaders on Wall street and in the City of London who gave themselves the right to create our money as a loan at interest. This has led to a Mountain of Unpayable Debts. Our economies are near collapse. Banker Occupied Governments see us as an enemy. Their Foundations have done hundreds of studies saying they would be better off without us. They say that six billion of us should die. They are setting America up for a violent and protracted race based civil war that will kill both whites and non-whites just to depopulate us and enslave the survivors.
The American military hopefully will refuse to sacrifice millions of their relatives so that bankers can walk away after having stolen tens of trillions of dollars and then killing six billion people. As Zbigniew Brzezinski said, “It is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
I would like to outline how such a coup could garner popular support.
The coup leaders should immediately announce the arrest of prominent bankers and the seizure of their assets to fund Debt Cancellation. They should also simultaneously announce the end of American wars of occupation and that the American troops have seized the banks of Lichtenstein, the Cayman Islands, Malta, Dubai and many other money laundering centers. The Cayman Islands has a Rothschild private bank and wealth management group. In addition to there are 279 banks, lots of Hedge Funds and many locally registered corporations owned by foreigners.
Lichtenstein has 73,700 holding or so-called ‘letter box’ companies that will need to be seized. Lichtenstein also has foundations which are financial entities created to increase the privacy of nonresident foreigners’ investmens. Some of these are 3 and 4 generations family trusts for people who have exploited mankind for more than a century. There are bullion deposits and safe deposit boxes. It should be emphasized that we will not be seizing all assets but just those from criminal families and organizations.
The big banks launder a trillion dollars a year in drug and gun running money. Asia Times told us that 500 billion dollars a year in bribes for the world’s politicians. The bankers are allowed to steal between 3 and 4 billion dollars a week from federal spending which we are not allowed to properly audit. You do remember Donald Rumsfeld saying on 9-10-2001 that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the Department of Defense? There is also the question of the ruling families having lied us into WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. These people need to make restitution for more than 100 years of their lies, thefts, and wars.
To secure support for the first 90 days the coup leaders should announce the cancellation of $25,000 in debt for every adult citizen not under institutional care. People who had no debts to cancel could deposit their money into accounts in their name and under their control at cooperative trusts so in the future nobody from either Wall Street or Washington could loot their pensions. I would also permanently take power away from the money center banks by allowing the cooperative trusts to have credit unions, issue low interest rate credit cards and sell simple insurance. The profits from these enterprises should be shared with trust members to fund retirements.
During the first 90 days people will be eager to get their share of that debt cancellation money. They will agree to get voter ID cards that will eliminate vote fraud and make certain that only eligible persons will get their $25,000 in debt cancellation money. This will give the coup leaders time to enact reasonable reforms.
The enemies of all mankind (the bankers) own the Foundations. All of these should be seized on Day One. Also on Day one they should seize all of the stock and bond holdings of the criminal class. This money would go into funding pensions of private companies, public civil servants and of Social Security recipients. The dire situation regarding public and private pensions needs to be explained in detail through the media. You might consider funding pensions directly in the recipient’s name at those cooperative trusts. I would like to make pensions or a promise to pay a retirement sum at a future date illegal. The present value of such future promises should be paid into an account in your name this year.
Also on Day One all homeowners should be told that half of all the homes in America have no clear title. This was intentional so the bankers could evade taxes and steal trillions of dollars. Half of all home mortgages have the words Mortgage Electronic Registration System or MERS on the top to the right followed by an 18 digit number. The federal government brokered a deal which allows the banks to lawfully steal your home if you have a MERS mortgage and cannot afford a really good lawyer. That will end. All MERS mortgages will be given 90 days to file at the local county courthouse which will henceforth guarantee clear and unclouded title to families.
They should also demand that all property including shopping centers and apartment buildings be registered under the names of people and corporations and partnerships that can be traced. Investigations into money laundering in Cook county Illinois and Maricopa county Arizona have found massive amounts of hot money laundered through real estate. All of these properties should be seized so they can be sold and used to at least partially fund Social Security over the next 20 years.
There are tens of trillions of dollars in public assets held by tens of thousands of government agencies in America listed at These assets should be seized so that all local (4 trillion dollars) and federal (27 trillion dollars) in debts can be cancelled. The Coup leaders need to explain that in the future no government agency will ever be allowed to go into debt. They will issue a non-interest bearing currency like Lincoln’s Greenbacks.
They will need to explain why fractional reserve banking is a greater danger than any military opponent we have ever faced. Both Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln believed bankers were more dangerous than armies. They should point out that prices are a ratio of the money supply to the goods and services available for sale. Grade school math tells us that if we increase the money supply and the growth in the economy at the same rate then we will have stable price levels. At our present level of money supply, we could spend over 500 billion dollars a year into circulation by funding the rebuilding of American infrastructures.
They should emphasize that Americans cannot drive over a bridge knowing for certain that it would not collapse before they got to the other the side. Nor can those who live near levees know for certain that they will not die before morning when they go to sleep at night. I would give 100 billion dollars a year to the 50 states to be divided amongst them on the basis of population so a state with 6 million people will get 2 billion dollars a year to fund infrastructure and create local jobs. This combined with the cancellation of government debts should eliminate property taxes on homes. This will give people across the country local targets to focus their political attentions upon.
Nikola Tesla had 155 boxes and trunks full of lab equipment and papers when he died. The secret Government has made amazing progress since then. I would issue stock in these advancements which should include cheap energy and some degree of anti-gravity. I also believe they have a Universal Vaccine which makes people healthier as opposed to the ones they make us take that sterilize us, get us sick and raises our cancer rate ten fold. They should also announce the end of poisons in our food , such as, aspartame, MSG, fluoride and Bisphenol A.
These new corporations will drive the new economy after the curse of the banking system has been removed. The stock in these corporations should be distributed into the cooperative trust accounts of people who do not plan to retire for 20 years.
The alternative to an American military coup is unthinkable. As I have said before, the bankers plan to release a series of plagues to reduce our numbers. They prepared us for these plagues by deliberately harming our immune systems and increasing our cancer rates 7 to 10 fold.
Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.