Hitler’s Greatest Hero: Frederick the Great – The Warrior King


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I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and studying of Frederick the Great. Truly, in the Anglo-White world, we know virtually nothing about this guy. There are still things I’m trying to grasp about him. But what is impressive for me is that he is a Warrior/Soldier King. He may be the last White Warrior King to have existed in Europe. It seems to me that he did a hell of a lot of work building up his own army. He created the Prussian Army. And I think he did it almost from scratch.

Napoleon was a huge fan of Frederick the Great and he respected him a lot. Napoleon went to his tomb.

Frederick did have some failures and did have some mistakes. But I would say that for a modern King he was unlike anything that has been seen in the centuries after the Romans. Only Gustavus Adolphus (12th?) of Sweden was anything like him.

I will say he had a lot of courage. He was no coward. He was very clever.

Interestingly, Frederick the Great totally isolated himself and he was a loner’s loner. He also didn’t trust anyone.

I’m certain he was an atheist. There is no question that he was NOT religious. But he allowed free speech for his people.

His courage and his intellect definitely stand out.

We Whites are not used to a "warrior king" in these Christian times. But this sort of thing was much more common in the time of the Romans and Pagans. I think it’s something we need to get back to.

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