Hitler’s Final Days and Death – The Best information is from Field Marshal Keitel


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It irks me that these Sharkhunters are out to create a lie that Hitler fled to Argentina. That’s a lot of big nonsense. It’s pure garbage.

I have now read SEVERAL EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS from various Generals and Military people in Germany who saw Hitler in his final days and spoke to him and even wanted to get him out of Berlin.

Of these people Keitel, whom I have a soft spot for, wrote in quite a lot of detail about dealing with Hitler in the final days of WW2. Keitl was often working with Jodl, and both of them chatted to Hitler and reported to Hitler and saw Hitler.

They sometimes chatted with each other about their views on Hitler and they were very concerned that Hitler would die in Berlin.

Both of them even thought that they should abduct Hitler BY FORCE from the bunker to get him out of Berlin because he was going to die there.

Keitel told Hitler that he should not die in Berlin. That he should remain in power for the good of Germany and that he must surrender to the allies.

I have come across 2 accounts where Hitler actually lied to the Generals. At one point he lied to Keitel and told him that he is secretly negotiating with the allies but he doesn’t want to discuss it. He also lied to someone else. I think it might have been General Guderian to whom he said the same thing, that he is negotiating with the Allies.

But it becomes clear that despite Hitler lying to Keitel about negotiating with the Allies, that in the subsequent days, as Keitel is trying to get Hitler to leave Berlin that Hitler has no intentions whatsoever of leaving Berlin.

It becomes very clear when one reads Keitel’s memoirs that Hitler, from the beginning, planned to die in Berlin. He had no desire whatsoever to leave Berlin. His goal was to remain in Berlin as long as there were troops fighting back and then when there was no hope he deliberately set out to commit suicide. In fact, quite a long time before his death, one more than one occasion he made it clear that he was not going to leave Berlin.

He even authorised and allowed Keitel and others to leave Berlin, but he himself, would never leave it.

There is no doubt in my mind that Hitler intended, that if he lost the war, that he would make his last stand in Berlin and die there.

That is quite clear and one can pick this up from a number of discussions that these military officers havd with him.

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