White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Yes I‘m White, No I don‘t owe you anything
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. You get a Pack of 20 stickers.
The Jews can screech and lie all they want but their demented hatred of Hitler will be exposed for the rubbish that it is. In the centuries to come, Hitler will unquestionably be seen for the positive and intellectual man he was. The insane Jewish screeching and endless inventions of lies about him will fade away under the scrutiny of logical Whites in the future who will dismiss the Jews for the useless hate-filled garbage that they are. The Jews can scream about Hitler and the NAZIS to high heaven all they want, but Hitler and the NAZIS will be proven to be Whites who were way ahead of their time. Hitler is at least, by my estimation CENTURIES AHEAD OF HIS TIME, and the logic and brilliance of the work of the NAZIS will shine like a bright light whereas the works of the Jews will be seen to be the weird, dark failures that they really are. Jews are idiots and Whites correctly excluded them from many positions in society at many times in the past. Jews are the darkness, and they bring darkness with them. Jewish ideas and Jewish thinking has ZERO constructive value to them. Nothing. You’re better off reading or learning from Whites who lived 1,000, 2,000 or 5,000 Years ago. You can learn something from them. You can learn NOTHING from Jews. All their thinking is convoluted crap and it’s dangerous crap that leads you down weird and stupid paths that have no meaning. Jews are low life scum who try to fit into a superior civilisation run by superior people who know what they are doing. For periods of time, Jews manage to fool Kings and Elites in this superior civilisation. But it always leads to serious problems. The more I study history the more I look at "Pure White behaviour", and "Pure/Normal" White behaviour is very consistent actually. It is EXACTLY THE SAME EVERYWHERE. If "Normal Whites" ran America, Britain or any other nation, you would see exactly the same rules and actions being enacted there. Globalism and Liberalism are Jewish distortions of White behaviour. Normal Whites would NEVER allow non-Whites into their society, and they would NEVER accept equality and they would never accept high crime or other kinds of hideous behaviour. The White mind in it’s normal state is NOT SUICIDAL.
Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.