Hitler was a prophet … and he was the inventor of the NEW (European) Man…
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Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
[This is from a discussion I had on social media. Jan]
Someone wrote:
Hitler was a prophet. Everything he predicted about JEWS came true… he tried to save us.
I replied:
Definitely. Hitler was not only a "prophet" but he was also inventing the NEW WHITE MAN, the NEW White Civilisation, etc. Hitler was CENTURIES AHEAD OF HIS TIME! Centuries!
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S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...
S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...