Hitler thought Jews were STUPID and he was RIGHT – Jews have to be slightly dumber than Whites


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Video: WW2: How Germans taught little boys The Art of War
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[This is from a discussion I was having with a supporter. Jan]

He wrote:
Going into depth about stuff, I noticed that you said the Jews are not all that smart but you will go into more detail on this later.

I replied:

Yes this is a very important topic, and I will return to this because I want to show people exactly what Hitler said and I totally agree.

I’m seeing Jews, more and more, as a "sort-of White" who interbred with use from the Middle East and now they look very White and some have good European DNA. But, as a group, they must have a lower IQ than us. It might not be much. It might be 2-3 IQ points lower than us. But definitely, Jews are NOT cleverer than Whites. I will return to this because it is important. Hitler mocked them. And you can see the accuracy of Hitler’s points when you look at Jews and science these days. Jews are just plainly stuffing up all of academia on a magnificent scale.

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Video & Audio: Gods of War: When the Germans didnt stand a chance! The Battle of Crete
This was a battle the Germans should never have won. They didnt know it, but EVERYTHING was stacked against them. If Hitler and the Generals had known the real facts, they would NEVER have launched this attack.

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