Hitler, Napoleon & the Jews: Money corrupts – Jews are sources of corruption & ruin
Video: The Gods of War: Julius Caesar: Bravery can save you, Cowardice can KILL YOU!!
All Whites, including women should watch this. You will be amazed at what Whites were like 2077 years ago! In this video were not only look at a timeless lesson of war, but we also look at what Whites were really like. You will be amazed what White society was like in Europe and how Whites functioned.
[I really enjoy Napoleon as a character, and it is my fascination with Napoleon, which started in high school in Rhodesia, in history class, that really made me dive ever more deeply into history. For some years I had suspected that Napoleon had actually written his own memoirs. Yet, despite going to a certain website where the "experts" on Napoleon gather, nobody would actually tell me what the name of the book is. I noticed that all the English "experts" on Napoleon will criticise him and say various things, but they will NEVER QUOTE HIM DIRECTLY or tell you where you will find his views. NEVER. There are LOTS of biographies and fake biographies about Napoleon out there, which are not worth a dime. But in my own reading, I had realised that on the Island of St Helena, Napoleon had spent a LOT of time dictating his memoirs. Yet you will struggle to find it or even know which one out of the mass of writings about Napoleon are actually his! The only man who faithfully wrote the memoirs of Napoleon is a former aristocrat named Les Cases. He had even fled from France to live in England, he hated Napoleon so much. But later Napoleon invited the nobles back to France. Les Cases returned and later worked for Napoleon in his household and became fascinated by him. So much so that when Napoleon went into exile, Les Cases went with him willingly. It was Les Cases who suggested that Napoleon write down his views. Napoleon was demonised like Hitler. People don’t realise it these days. But Napoleon was demonized and lied about just like they lie about Hitler. The only thing that they managed to do with Hitler though, is to invent the false Jewish genocide narrative. They tried to accuse Napoleon of murder too, but on a much smaller scale. Napoleon did a fabulous thing by writing his memoirs in his final years. When he died, he stated that he was dying far too young and that it was due to BRITISH ASSASSINS. The British threw Les Cases off St Helena.
What I find very sad, for poor Hitler, is that Hitler never had his chance to speak his mind finally, except in his will wherein he stated that people must fight the Jews. It would have been wonderful to hear Hitler’s answers to many things. But I think some Germans, and historians have tried to make up for it, but it’s just not the same as Hitler speaking for himself. In this regard, I truly take my hat off to Goering. I think Goering did a wonderful thing for the German people and for our race by standing up at Nuremburg and speaking out candidly before robbing the Jews of their chance to execute him by taking his own life. I truly have a DEEP RESPECT for Goering and those brave Germans at the kangaroo court of Nuremburg where Jews were swarming all over the show with their lies and their claptrap and their manipulations.
Anyway, I was so pleased to finally get a chance to read what Napoleon himself said. I’ve been reading it for pure pleasure, because I do so love to hear what comes out of the mouths of great White men. It’s a long read – four volumes – but I’m busy with the second one now – inbetween my other activities.
What is so refreshing and lovely is to hear what comes out of the mind of a truly great European. Napoleon could answer things so candidly, and give such depth of answers, which, as I say, apart from Goering and a few others, we will sadly, never get from Hitler. I truly think that there is tremendous stuff that we have lost, that could have come out of Hitler’s own mouth, and we would have been so much better off for it.
I’m not going to write here about everything Napoleon did with regard to the Jews. I did a video about Napoleon and his "Infamous decrees" against the Jews in 1803 and 1806.
But what I did come across, in Volume 1, were some statements of his about the Jews.
Napoleon speaks about the most despicable class of people in France whom he came upon during his reign and how he made sure he never promoted them or honoured them: Contractors and Agents. But the key line is when he compares them to Jews and usurers.
He says: "In truth, said he, they (contractors & agents) could never be regarded as any thing but sources of corruption and ruin, like Jews and usurers."
So there you have it.
Just to emphasise the disgust Napoleon had for these people can be found in this quote: "I never would raise any of this class to distinction: of all aristocracies this appeared to me the worst.”
And: The contractors and agents were the class which, above all, excited the uneasiness of the new Supreme Magistrate, who called them the scourge and the plague of the nation.
These people are full of themselves and very demanding as you will see, just like the modern Jews are in the world today.
Here is the full discussion where Napoleon spoke about these despicable people and the Jews. Notice that the people who bring corruption and ruin are those who LOVE MONEY. And what despicable people they are. Keep in mind that Napoleon ruled Europe for years, for longer than Hitler did, and he travelled across Europe probably more than any man who ever lived. He physically went to many countries, cities and towns and stayed there and made many changes. So think about how, after having travelled the length and breadth of Europe that Napoleon finds, these people in France, these contractors and agents are truly DESPICABLE PEOPLE… and then he likens them to Jews and usurers. That is a conclusion that carries some weight.
Here’s the full section:
Scarcely had Napoleon attained the Consulship when he became engaged in a dispute with the celebrated Madame Recamier, whose father held a situation in the Post-office department. Napoleon, on first taking the reins of Government, was obliged to sign in confidence a great number of lists; but he soon established the most rigid inspection in every department. He discovered that a correspondence with the Chouans was going on under the connivance of M. Bernard, the father of Madame Recamier. He was immediately dismissed, and narrowly escaped being brought to a trial, by which he would doubtless have been condemned to death. His daughter flew to the First Consul, and, at her solicitation, Napoleon exempted M. Bernard from taking his trial, but was resolute with respect to his dismissal. Madame Recamier, who had been accustomed to ask for every thing, and to obtain every thing, would be satisfied with nothing less than the re-instatement of her father. Such were the manners of those times. The severity of the First Consul excited loud animadversions; it was a thing quite unusual. Madame Recamier and her party, which was very numerous, never forgave him.
The contractors and agents were the class which, 371above all, excited the uneasiness of the new Supreme Magistrate, who called them the scourge and the plague of the nation. The Emperor observed that all France would not have satisfied the ambition of those of Paris alone; that, when he came to the head of affairs, they constituted an absolute power; and that they were most dangerous to the state, whose springs were obstructed by their intrigues, joined to those of their numerous dependents.—In truth, said he, they could never be regarded as any thing but sources of corruption and ruin, like Jews and usurers. They had disgraced the Directory, and they wished in like manner to control the Consulate. It may be said that at that period they enjoyed the highest rank and influence in society.
“One of the principal retrograde steps,” said the Emperor, “which I took, with the view of restoring the past state and manners of society, was to throw all this false lustre back into the crowd. I never would raise any of this class to distinction: of all aristocracies this appeared to me the worst.” The Emperor rendered to Lebrun the justice of having especially confirmed him in this principle. “The party always disliked me for this,” said the Emperor; “but they were still less inclined to pardon the rigid enquiry which I instituted into their accounts with the Government.”
Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.