Hitler is a GREAT HERO … and all young White boys and males – STUDY HITLER!!!!


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A VERY comprehensive, detailed list of Jewish power Everything the Jews control in the USA
This is the most comprehensive and detailed list (with breakdowns and percentages) of Jewish power that Ive yet seen. This is stunning.

Hitler is a GREAT HERO. Hitler is the greatest White man of modern times. He’s the greatest hero since Napoleon. Though there are many other White males who also are heroes in other ways.

White youngsters, especially boys and teenagers, should study Adolf Hitler. Here is an incredible White man who did something we’ve not seen since Napoleon. Hitler not only saved his country, and improved in so many ways; but he was EXTREMELY BRAVE, TOTALLY HONEST and very dedicated to his people, and even to his race and even to Europe. He wanted Germany to LEAD EUROPE! He wanted Germany to be AWESOME. He wanted Europe to be fantastic. He wanted Europe to FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF GERMANY … towards incredible greatness.

Hitler was not gay. He was not a Jew. He was a normal, healthy, heterosexual White male. He had an incredibly brilliant mind. He lived a frugal life. He was honest. He paid his bills. He never cheated people. He never stole from anyone.

When his mother was sick, he looked after her until she died.

Hitler set out to save his nation, his race, his people and Europe. He was NEVER A COWARD. He was NEVER A TRAITOR to his own kind.

There were many who, at the behest of Jews and other filth, wanted to destroy Hitler. He faced assassination attempts. He risked his life endlessly FOR HIS OWN PEOPLE, CONTINENT AND RACE.

Hitler is an example of MALE BRAVERY. He is an example of a super-high intellect. He is an example of INCREDIBLE SUCCESS THAT HAS PUSHED THE WORLD FORWARD AT AN AMAZING PACE.

Never, ever, listen to the liars, the filth, the Jews, the scum, the liberals and ALL THE DEGENERATES WHO HATE HITLER. Hitler is only hated by DEGENERATES and FOOLS.


In a time of degeneracy, failure, weakness, filth and all manner of nation-destroying, and civilisation-destroying habits; LOOK TO HITLER as a modern version of Julius Caesar, or Alexander the Great.


But it comes from INSIDE OF YOU.

Don’t be a weakling. Don’t be a traitor. Don’t be greedy. Don’t put your money ahead of the existence of your people. Rather be poor, but true to your own people. Respect your ancestors. Respect the history of our civilization.

Learn concepts such as HONOUR. This is a long-standing value of the European people.

Don’t be a liar, don’t be a cheat, don’t be a bag of shit.

Protect women and children. Don’t take advantage of them. Don’t be like the many Jews who are like the pedophiles Epstein, Lord Janner, etc.

BE TRUE TO YOUR PEOPLE. You are part of something fantastic. Play your role like those who came before us played theirs. We are not perfect. But we are the best thing that happened on this planet.

When you hear all kinds of junk talk about Hitler, Napoleon and many others – ignore it. Our enemies, the losers, the nation-destroyers, etc – are trying to drive you away from the EXCELLENCE that comes from Europe, and the European people.

Those who HATE HITLER … are the same people who HATE EUROPEAN EXCELLENCE and the achievements of the European race. Those who HATE HITLER, ultimately, secretly, HATE YOU.


Stay true to your people, hold your head up high and get ready to face life and to do your best and play your role for our future.

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Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.

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