Hilarious: Niggotry in an American Hospital: A Nigger Chimpout story … My Comments


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: UFOs, Germans in Antarctica; Vietnam War & much more!
We began our chat with me discussing military secrecy and a video I did called: How America built UFOs which really is about military secrecy.

[Emily is excellent, and she is definitely the funniest poster on Gab. Truly she's the best. But she reached new highs with this story. I laughed so much at it. It was well written with her own invented words. You can follow her on Gab.com: @EmilyAnderson


div>She's brilliant. Nobody makes me laugh like Emily does! I've saved so many of her excellent memes for my sites. I still want to put a LOT of memes on my sites so that folks can laugh. But that's months away. I would need to figure out how to do some software. programming to achieve what I want. But I'll get there. Jan]

Here is Emily’s story:

Today I had an appointment in a hospital. I won’t bore you with the details, but I wound up having to wait in the hallway for several minutes. A nigger pushing a cleaning cart moved into one if the hospital rooms and I noticed a few drops of some liquid dripped from a spray bottle that was hanging from the cart. This wasn’t unusual enough for me to pay any mind to until another nigger in blue hospital garb (smocks?) walked by and made a BIG melodramatic show of nearly slipping on the drips. Arms flailing, screeching, and eyes wide the nigger howled out "WHOA NOOO!"

I just stood there motionless while the nigger babbled out loudly "Oh lawd dayz wadda awnda fluh! Ah omos slip an broke mah damn laygz!"

I just stared at her blankly. I’ve found that when niggers try talking to me it’s best to just stare at them silently. It confuses them, then makes them uncomfortable as they repeat themselves and I just keep staring without responding, then they get angry and flustered, and I enjoy all of these reactions from the niggers.

The nigger repeated herself twice more before a new nigger in blue hospital garb came along and they both started squawking loudly about the "wadda awnda fluh" until the nigger with the cleaning cart heard the commotion and came back to the hall to investigate the frantic ookings. Nigger #2 immediately started accusing Nigger #1 of spilling the "wadda awnda fluh" and Nigger #1 immediately became enraged and started denying any involvement. Nigger #3 started loudly scolding Nigger #1 for denying the blame, and then started scolding Nigger #2 for screaming in the hall instead of just wiping the drops up.

This caused Niggers #1 and #2 to begin a full-on double chimpout on Nigger #3! It all sounded like a super loud Maury Povich or Jerry Springer show and it became impossible for me to even follow what the niggers were chimping out, but before long 2 nigger security guards came running over to scream at all 3 niggers, threatening to arrest them if they didn’t "calm da fuck down raht now!"

I just stood there watching every other human in the hospital react to this niggotry with expressions of extreme discomfort, annoyance, and more than a couple of exasperated head shakes. This is what the Civil Rights movement and Affirmative Action policies have given us. People can’t even die with peace and quiet in a hospital without a bunch of niggers chimping out in the hall.

And these are the most civilized and accomplished of the niggers. These are the niggers who are able to get college degrees, or a professional certification, or pass an entrance exam and show up for a 9-5 job. Even the security guards are niggers that were able to get hired to carry guns in a hospital and they couldn’t help but scream the "f" word loudly at 3 nigger sows- loud enough for the entire hallway to hear them.

God help us.

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2003: Zim: World Food Program cuts December food for 2.6m Black people
Here‘s proof from an old article of mine that the WFP was feeding millions of Blacks in Zimbabwe after they chased out the White Farmers. Personally I think the Blacks should have been left to starve.

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