Highly Paid Fools & Idiots: Here’s what NFL players said about what they are protesting against…


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Video & Audio: Jew Shock: When Whites go Wonky!
When you learn about the Jews it really shocks your system. I discuss nutty ideas on the White Right & how nobody was nuttier than me. But this nuttiness is good news. Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.

[Freaking morons. Jan]

Here’s what NFL players said about “what they are protesting”:

NEW YORK (World News Bureau) –

In a recent polling of 585 NFL players, nearly all of them were unsure
of exactly what they are protesting.

Here’s a sampling of responses to the question:

"What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?"

"Pretty sure it’s against Nazis – especially the white ones."

"We’re protesting America becoming capitalistic instead of equal."

"I’m protesting against Trump saying black lives don’t matter."

"We’re against global warming and the police.."

"We’re showing the world that we care about, ah, things such as…. such as…ah, freedom from suppression?"

"Me and my fellow players are protesting the Constitution of Independence because of what it does to people of color."

"We are displaying our right to stand up by kneeling for our beliefs."

"We are protesting Trump, because he, you know, keeping the black man down."

"Myself is kneeling to show that just because I’m American don’t mean I got to act like one."

All above comments are from National Football League players with 4 years of an American College “Education”

Average player salary: $1,900,000

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