Have the Jews been expelled 1,030 times?
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[Someone came to me with this list that he drew up on his website wherein he says that the Jews have not been expelled 109 times as we think, but much more. It is commonly stated that the Jews were expelled 109 times or from 109 countries. A few months ago someone counted the total number of individual expulsions and announced on Gab that it was 360 times!! To my knowledge the counting is from 225AD to the present.
But at the link below, someone now claims that the Jews were expelled 1030 times and he goes back to long before Christianity existed. I’ve not gone to check in detail. I’ve browsed it and it looks very interesting. So maybe go and check out this page below. It gives the expulsions, the dates and the source for it. Jan]
Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.