Grieving Mother Shocks Everyone by Showing Up to Migrant’s Hearing Wearing an Unforgettable Picture – My Comments for Whites
Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!
[I feel very sorry for that White woman whose daughter was cut up. Personally, I am a FIRM BELIEVER, that in EVERY CRIME where Whites are attacked or murdered, that ALL the crime scene photos and videos, should be available to the public. I think it would create fury and outrages and Whites would call for the hanging, execution or even, in some cases, the torturing to death of serial killers, and I would be in favour of that. The Romans, had criminals killed or tortured to death in the Colosseum, and I think it’s a good thing. I also think ALL executions should be PUBLIC – live on TV. I really think that REALITY is very important. That Black from Africa doesn’t care about the White girl. He feels nothing. Here in SA we no longer have executions, and that’s very sad. I am a firm believer in execution for murder. Jan]
A woman faced with the death of her daughter from a savage attack five years ago wants to make sure her daughter’s killer faces the greatest possible punishment for his crimes.
The Nigerian drug dealer convicted by an Italian court of killing the 18-year-old in 2018 is aiming for a reduction in the life sentence received for rape and murder.
His victim’s mother is furious — and used a desperate, gruesome tactic during a court hearing last week to make sure authorities got the message. Americans should be getting the message, too.
According to the Italian news agency ANSA, Alessandra Verni wore a T-shirt emblazoned with images of her daughter’s dismembered body to illustrate the brutality of the crime committed by a man who arrived in Italy from Africa in 2014 as an asylum seeker.
Here is a Twitter post by Italian investigative journalist and author Francesca Totolo, an outspoken critic of open-border insanity. The caption states: “The mother of #PamelaMastropietro in the courtroom with the photo of her daughter’s corpse.”
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“Have you seen what they did to her,” Verni said, according to ANSA. “That man, who raped and tortured her, should rot in jail.”
“The man” is the now 32-year-old convict with the unlikely first name of “Innocent.”
Innocent Oseghale went from asylum seeker to drug seller after dropping out of a refugee assistance program, according to the U.S. Sun. It was as a drug dealer that he met Verni’s daughter, Pamela Mastropietro, shortly after Matropietro left an addiction recovery center in Pollenza, in western Italy about halfway up the boot.
Oseghale was convicted of raping and murdering Matropietro, then taking her body apart, stuffing the remains into two suitcases and leaving them in a ditch, according to the U.S. Sun. The charges were murder, sexual assault and destruction of a body, the Sun reported. He was sentenced to life in prison.
Getting even life for a crime like that might be considered getting off easy. (In some U.S. he might have gotten the death penalty, though his execution would depend on the politics of the relevant governor’s office at any given moment.)
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But Oseghale is appealing the conviction of rape. If that’s
successful, he might get a reduction in his sentence, according to the Sun.
And that’s a possibility Mastropietro’s mother can’t abide.
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She described the images on her shirt as a “wake-up call” to what had happened to her daughter, according to the Sun. One of the images showed her daughter’s decapitated head on an examining table, according to the newspaper.
“I wonder what is the point of re-prosecuting Oseghale, questioning sexual violence and opening up the possibility of a sentence reduction,” she said, according to ANSA.
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“Did he not exercise enough violence to merit life imprisonment? Anyone who saw those images knew that if they were made public they would shake consciences.”
She also told reporters that Oseghale was not alone when he committed the crime. She wants anyone else who was involved to face justice, too.
Verni and Oseghale came close to a physical confrontation at Wednesday’s hearing, according to ANSA, with Verni screaming “Tell me! Tell me what you want!” at the killer and Mr. Innocent hollering back “Enough judicial oppression.”
Where the explosive case goes from here is up to the Italian judiciary, of course.
But it’s worth pointing out the basic reality that the 32-year-old Oseghale was in his early 20s when he was an “asylum seeker” in 2014. If he had not been allowed to stay in Italy, he would not have been dealing drugs in 2018 and crossing paths with an evidently troubled young woman who is now dead.
The year 2014 marked the beginning of Europe’s refugee crisis when millions of unvetted “refugees” and “asylum seekers” crossed from the Middle East and North Africa — aided by liberals in governments and in the European Union.
Obviously, the vast majority of those migrants were decent people — the vast majority of any group of human beings is basically made up of decent people. But just as obviously, there were uncountable numbers of criminals, the kind who are going to end up in “professions” like drug dealing — and the requisite violence that comes with them. And there are going to be uncountable numbers of victims.
Thanks to President Joe Biden’s administration, the United States is currently in its own refugee crisis, when millions of unvetted “asylum seekers” and “refugees” are crossing the southern border, aided by liberals in government and abetted by their cheerleaders in the establishment media. And criminals are coming with them.
Already the country is awash in drugs — in 2021, fentanyl became the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 49, Fox News reported at the time.
Sex trafficking, human trafficking — the endless human misery that goes along with a nation failing to defend its own borders is becoming a part of American life.
And when illegal aliens — ahem, “asylum seekers” — commit crimes, they’re helping grow a class of victims that exists solely because Democrats, progressives and the blinkered totalitarians of the Biden administration have decided to ignore the country’s own laws, surrender its sovereignty and put its population at risk in the name of an unspeakable desire for power.
There are already American versions of Alessandra Verni, parents whose children have died because of illegal aliens (ahem, “asylum seekers”). There are children who will never see their parents again, too, because of the same problem.
Verni wore those painful images on behalf of her own brutalized daughter, no doubt, but she was also sending a signal on behalf of citizens of civilized countries who are watching their own government damage their society by an uncontrolled influx of potential criminals from the rest of the world.
Are Americans getting the message?
Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).