Goyim Defense League; HandsomeTruth & GoyimTV: Why Jews destroyed GoyimTV…


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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
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[One of my South African supporters who follows the white right, sent me this note. I was unaware of HandsomeTruth. My supporter sees something suspicious in the actions of HandsomeTruth. I have no opinion on the matter. If anyone knows more about HandsomeTruth or the demise of GoyimTV I'm interested. I hope that GoyimTV can solve their problems and get up and running again. I am suspecting that maybe their domain name was stolen and shut down? Unless it was their hosting company that shut them. I would like to see GoyimTV back.  Jan]

Hi Jan

I suspect it has to do with a guy called HandsomeTruth who recently began making videos for Bitchute. He pushes for the GDL but everything about him is suspicious. He has also been punting GoyimTV all over including on a vehicle he drove around with anti-semetic slogans written on it. (GDL = goyim defense league)
Somebody (it might have been him) put a banner over a LA freeway referencing fellow whites and GoyimTV which got the ADL involved.
The site has been down since a few hours after that.

Shoa’d no doubt.

Here is a link to the story:

Kind regards

A video about HandsomeTruth:

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Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
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