GOOD: S&P downgrades Israel’s credit outlook to “negative” amid its ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocid e campaign targeting the people of Gaza


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Video: Dylann Roof is a White Nelson Mandela
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As long as the ongoing and future-planned genocide of the people of Gaza by Israel remains in place, the Jewish state’s AA- ratings at Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Ratings will remain intact, but the same cannot be said for Israel’s credit outlook.

S&P Global Ratings announced this week that Israel’s sovereign debt outlook has shifted from "stable" to "negative" as it forges full-steam ahead with persecuting and exterminating the Palestinian people in its "war against Hamas."

Again, as long as the fighting "will remain centered in Gaza," to quote the S&P, Israel will maintain its AA- ratings. "But there are risks that it could spread more widely with a more pronounced impact on the economy and security situation in Israel," the group warns.

In the last quarter of 2023, Israel’s economy is expected to contract by five percent, which is in substantial "recession" territory, bordering on a "depression" – but never fear: the Israeli economy is expected to return to growth in the first quarter of 2024, assuming all goes as the Jewish state plans with regards to eradicating Gaza and using the genocide to re-ignite its flailing economy. (Fact Check: It was IDF soldiers, not Hamas soldiers, who shot up the hostages in Kibbutz Be’eri the day of the Hamas false flag attack, also known as "Israel’s 9/11.")

Real New Testament believers do not show partiality because, as Peter says in Acts 10, "God shows no partiality"
You see, war is a racket. It is used by the evil ones every time their financial Ponzi scheme nears a cliff to give the economy that special shock treatment that only mass destruction and genocide can accomplish, which is why they do this kind of thing every time the money system, also known as a house of cards, is on the brink of falling.

The reason why S&P and the media at large is expecting Israel’s economy to move out of a depression back into growth next year is because the media is used to business as usual. In this unique time and place, though, there is a very good chance that things will not be business as usual, and that a supernatural-like black swan event will disrupt the money changers’ usual war scheme for preserving their stolen wealth.

Much of the world, including the Zionist-programmed religious world, is waking up right now to the nature of the racket. Each new day, it seems like more is revealed – these are the days of revelation, after all – about the true nature of so-called "Israel," which in its current form politically speaking does not meet the description of true Israel, either in times past or in the present.

Mass genocide is not what the true God in the church age, the age in which we now live, has commanded of His true people. In fact, He has told His true people to do the opposite – to live as peaceably as possible among all mankind, and to not be a respecter of persons.

Don’t believe me? Check out Acts 10 to start in which Peter explains that "God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him."

Anyone, by the way, includes the people of Gaza, some of whom are Christians and who live according to the law that was written on their heart, not the bastardized moralism being pushed by the Zionists and their church infiltrators.

In the end, things are not going to go the way "Israel" wants and expects them to.


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