GOOD: FBI Investigating Far-Left Environmentalist Group in Coordinated Attack on Colorado Gas Lines – My Comments


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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

[I like this. All Liberals, Leftists, Communists and Jewish organisations should be watched closely. This is a little bit of progress. Jan]

The FBI is reportedly investigating far-left environmentalist groups after a “coordinated” attack on gas lines in Aspen, Colorado left thousands without heating in the thick of winter.

Aspen Police revealed that three different Black Hills Energy gas line sites had been cut in an “intentional” act on Wednesday, as temperatures in the skiing town approached 2 degrees. At least two pipes were defaced with the slogan “Earth First!” known for association with leftist environmental extremism.

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The attack deprived around 3,500 residences of heat and hot water for three days, with the freezing temperatures making it possible to likely that injuries and deaths could’ve occurred.

Pitkin County Commissioner Patti Clapper told the Aspen Times that she views the act as “almost, to me, an act of terrorism,” revealing that heat to her home was cut off by the environmentalist extremism. “It’s trying to destroy a mountain community at the height of the holiday season. This wasn’t a national gas glitch. This was a purposeful act. Someone is looking to make a statement of some kind.

The FBI is reportedly investigating an environmentalist organization that calls itself Earth First for any connection with the act, but the group denies any involvement, stating that if they had cut gas lines to Aspen, they would’ve taken credit for it publicly. The use of the phrase- which goes back to the 1960’s- by the suspected perpetrators all but ensures an environmental motive to the crime.

The environmental terrorism isn’t the only crime to attract the attention of federal authorities in recent months. Two women connected with the ANTIFA movement are being charged with attempting to derail trains in Washington state, citing what they claim is the harmful impacts of oil pipeline construction in Canada.


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