Global populist UPRISING is accelerating as people of the world reject tyranny, lockdowns, etc
Video & Audio: BANNED: Jewish Holocaust Lie: How Canadian TV fooled viewers
This is so important. It‘s an example of a holocaust lie. Here is Part 2 of the video:
Humanity may be finally coming to its senses. Although a great many are still mentally suckered into every “next thing” being pushed by the corporate media, more and more people are waking up and realizing how they’ve been living under a global criminal cartel their entire lives. They’ve reached a “That’s enough!” point and are now actively opposing tyranny, lockdowns, corruption and perversion — all of which define the globalist crime cartel that pretends to be supported by “democracy.”
In Peru, the uprisings against inflation caused by money printing are now spreading. In Shanghai, the brutal lockdowns that have seen authorities murdering the pets of “covid-positive” residents are only adding to a growing feeling of discontent against an authoritarian regime.
In America, the perverted, child-grooming school boards are being taken over by commonsense parents who are removing the perverts from power, and in Florida, Gov. DeSantis has signed a law that forbids the grooming of children in public schools. (This has caused numerous pedophile perverts pretending to be teachers to publicly claim they will leave Florida and move to New York so they can prey on children there, by the way. Good riddance!)
Across the world, vaccine mandates are being rejected (as just happened in Germany), mask mandates are being taken down and people are speaking out against the corruption and tyranny of their national leaders. In the United States, there is now open talk of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, a quagmire of damning evidence that will likely lead to the criminal indictments of both Hunter and Joe Biden.
As I explain in my podcast (below), Joe Biden will be indicted, then he will resign and be pardoned by Kamala, who will herself be forced out later.
Even tyrants can’t get away with abusing the people forever
After two years of suffering under covid and now watching fuel and food prices skyrocket, many people have reached their limit of abuse. In the months ahead, you are going to see a rapid, global explosion in protests and riots as people lash out against the abject corruption and criminality of their political leaders.
Naturally, some people will remain brainwashed about the reasons why food and energy prices are skyrocketing, but for an increasing number of people, the delusions will be shattered and they will quickly come to realize they’ve been lied to this entire time.
It is this “awakening” moment that terrifies the powers that be. This is why they are trying to accelerate mass starvation, thermonuclear war and a global fiat currency collapse — because they are trying to kill off billions of people before those billions come to their senses and rise up against the globalist crime cartel.
Now, it’s a race against time: Will humanity awaken quickly enough to tear down the anti-human crime cartel that currently runs the world? Or will humanity remain in a hypnotic slumber while the serpents of the WEF and globalism slither into strangulation position and squeeze the life out of them?
Those who do not awaken will likely be culled via starvation, vaccine bioweapons, economic collapse and raging violence. But those who prepare for what’s coming will have a very good chance of making it through the planned demolition of human civilization.
Thus, the news is actually very good for those who prepare. The takedown of the global crime cartel could actually be quite swift once it begins, and the “reboot” of society might take place in merely a few months instead of years. We don’t know for sure what the timing will be, of course, and the safest principle is to prepare for the longest duration of collapse that you can afford to cover. (I’m currently recommending everyone have at least a one-year supply of food and a means to start growing your own food immediately.)
S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.