German Court acquits Lady Renouf of ‘Holocaust’-related charges without a trial – My Comments


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White Shop: AWB 3-G shirt (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Afrikaner Resistance Movement)
Since its founding in 1973 by Eugne Terre‘Blanche and six other patriotic Afrikaners, it has been dedicated to secessionist Afrikaner nationalism and the creation of an independent Boer-Afrikaner republic or ‘Volkstaat/Boerestaat‘ in part of South Africa.

[An issue that Alison Chabloz has raised is that for some reason there was no trial. What I would like to know is what exactly happened that caused them to change their minds and to not go to trial? What's the inside story? Will Rushton publish the inside story? We need to know the inside story on the WHY. This is very important. Why? Why? Is there politics at work? What is at work? We need to know. This is very important for analysis purposes. Is the German Govt changing? These are the real, critical questions we need answers to. I would like to see what that blog below reveals. Is there a chance that the German Govt is itself stepping back from the abuse of this law? MOST IMPORTANTLY: WILL THIS HELP TO SAVE OTHER GERMANS IN THE FUTURE? These are the critical questions that we need answers to. Jan]

The following Good News came November 10th from Peter Rushton, editor of Heritage and Destiny in Britain.


Lady Renouf vindicated over Dresden speech

After 32 months German courts back down, Renouf acquitted

renouf.jpg?itok=szGKckBqIn a last minute reversal, German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden have ended their criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf (left), terminating a 32-month process, days before it was to come to trial.

Having arrested and charged Lady Renouf in 2018 immediately after her impromptu speech at a commemoration in Dresden, German prosecutors opened proceedings a year later under Germany’s notorious §130 Volksverhetzung law alleging "public incitement", but the case has now ended without Lady Renouf being found guilty of any offence. (She has had to pay only a modest fee for the costs of a translator.)

"This decision was extraordinary – almost sensational", says Wolfram Nahrath (Lady Renouf’s German attorney) who points out that such an ACQUITTAL of the charges in a ‘Holocaust’-related trial is a first in Germany. The German authorities did not want to take the risk of putting Lady Renouf on trial, given her background and the German constitutional issues that would inevitably be highlighted.

The §130 Volksverhetzung law has been used to jail German scientists, authors and even lawyers in recent years. ‘Holocaust’-related offences of ‘public incitement’ almost inevitably lead to long prison sentences.

Yet the unique circumstances of Lady Renouf and her 2018 Dresden speech led prosecutors to withdraw.


p dir=”ltr”>The blog and related social media accounts will examine the extraordinary fabric of the Renouf case and explain why the German state chose to throw in the towel.


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2007: US Generals too afraid to fight Iran Generals Threaten to Quit
Here is a very important story from my old AfricanCrisis archive. This shows you how unhappy American Generals were about attacking Iran. I bet that it‘s still very similar. They know it‘s too difficult.

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