Gallup Finds Majority of Americans Feel ‘Better Off’ Under Trump
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American voters once again appear to be holding their cards — that is, their ballots — close to their chests. The Gallup organization polled registered voters in the last two weeks of September to find out which candidate, they felt, “has the personality and leadership qualities that a president should have.”
According to the Sept. 14-28 poll, 49 percent of those polled said Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden has these qualities, and 44 percent said that GOP President Donald Trump has then.
The numbers were just about reversed when it came to deciding with whom the voters agreed on the issues: 49 percent said they agreed with President Trump, and 46 percent said they agreed with Candidate Biden.
In response to the question, “Would you say you and your family are better off now than you were four years ago, or are you worse off now?” most (56 percent) said they are better off now; 32 percent said they are worse off now.
Under the Obama administration, in 2012, just 45 percent of registered voters said they were better off than they were in 2008.
Needless to say, President Trump could not let the poll results pass without a tweet acknowledging the good news. “The Gallup Poll has just come out with the incredible finding that 56% of you say that you are better off today, during a pandemic, than you were four years ago (OBiden). Highest number on record! Pretty amazing!” the president wrote.
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