From Willis Carto’s Wife: Climate Change … Super Global Warming 400,000 Years ago…
Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.
[This is an excellent commentary. Jan]
To all Friends of Willis Carto
August 15, 2023
Climate Change
400,000 years ago, it got so warm on Earth that the thick ice on Greenland melted away, causing sea levels to rise drastically, although hardly any people lived on Earth. Cars and animal husbandry did not exist at all—and forests as climate savers were in abundance!
Most people take a deep breath when they hear those words, having been inundated for a number of years with scare tactics that our world is coming to an end, announced by the nitwit Alexandria Cortez and other lefties. She dishes out her version of approaching doomsday for our world and I won’t belabor her screwy ideas. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders early on discovered the subject of doom plays well in Washington, D.C. More money needs to be spent to scare everyone to death, which he successfully accomplished. If we all drive electric cars, take out our gas stoves, and then cook with what? After all, electricity needs to be produced too. Is that free of charge? Sanders, who became a senator without a nickel in his pocket, managed to acquire a number of homes worth millions during his 16 years in the U.S. Senate. His real damage was caused by his climate change agenda. It is an issue that appeals to students especially. They can choose to follow Sanders and his various promises and cheer him for transgender mayhem as well. Foolish parents vote their future into perdition by following the Biden/Sanders gang.
Climate change is cheap to propagandize. It upsets the younger generations and draws believers in general across the whole voting spectrum. These unproven scare tactics are covering many government positions. Money is the calling card for millions voting for industries that are to save the planet by making lives more difficult and creating crazy laws and regulations.
Thankfully, opposition is growing, especially in Europe. A strong movement is appearing which is already being played out in various countries. A few weeks ago the Dutch threw out their parliament when the nitwit members told the farmers to kill their cattle because they contributed to climate change. Cheese is very dear to the Dutch; they live off it.
Recently an item from the German edition of Info came to me and immediately lifted my spirits. The merchants of death, the prognosticators of the end of the planet are finally being called to the floor. It is the best account for the truth of the phony climate change mantra.
I am attaching the translation from German, written by friends who are fighting under bad conditions in their own country. They do not have a Donald Trump to make it all right when the votes are counted in the next election.
Our world is not doomed but only repeats past climate patterns.
Thank you.
Elisabeth Carto
The human extermination program of the globalists is crumbling—the climate lie is being blown up
400,000 years ago, it got so warm on Earth that the thick ice on Greenland melted away, causing sea levels to rise drastically. And that, although hardly any people lived on earth. Cars and animal husbandry did not exist at all – and forests as climate savers were in abundance!
The matrix is always the same. At the time of the great persecution of freelance Holocaust scientists, a lynch mood against the scientists was fueled by the argument: “These people deny Auschwitz, they deny the concentration camps.” Of course, none of the free Holocaust researchers denied the concentration camps, they merely uncovered what did or did not happen in the concentration camps.
Today, especially after a few days of great heat, the climate liars of the globalist media corporations are rushing against the free climate researchers: “. . . they deny climate change”—with the connotation that the free climate researchers would deny climate change. Of course, none of these scientists denies that climate change is, or can be, happening. But man with his alleged CO2 production has nothing to do with it. And the commissioned institutions of the misanthropes are now also admitting this, because on the one hand, they would like to secure an alibi for their terrible complicity in later trials, because they had “researched properly”, but on the other hand they want, with the required additions of the “man-made climate change” to not openly expose their clients. They don’t dare.
In a large-scale study, Science magazine, “the” scientific institution that God himself has to follow, refutes the lies of “man-made global warming through CO2”. But it was precisely this phrase that the contract scientists had to add to their study, although the facts they found totally contradict this phrase. In the July 20, 2023 issue (DOI: 10.1126/science.ade4248) on pages 330-335 in the summary by Publisher H. Jesse Smith we read the following:
“Measurements of subglacial sediments from the Camp Century ice core in north-west Greenland show that Greenland was ice-free during the interglacial period around 400,000 years ago. Using luminescence dating and cosmogenic nuclide data, it was shown that the sediment was deposited under ice-free conditions after it was exposed to sunlight on the surface for less than 16,000 years. The lack of ice at this location means that the Greenlandic Ice sheet must have contributed more than 1.4 meters to sea level.”
Europe’s biggest climate propaganda institution, the EU, led by Frau von der Leyen, the much-admired corruption tycoon, demands that we believe that “global warming comes from burning fossil fuels, from deforestation and from cattle ranching” and thus the “Causes of climate change.” “The main driver of climate change is the greenhouse effect. Some gases present in the earth’s atmosphere have an effect much like the glass in a greenhouse: they let the heat of the sun in, but prevent it from being radiated back into space and lead to global warming. Many of these greenhouse gases are natural components of the earth’s atmosphere; however, as a result of human activities, the concentration of some gases has increased significantly. This applies in particular to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. CO2 produced by human activities contributes most to global warming.” (EU Commission, undated, currently available)
The contract scientists from Science confirm that global warming 400,000 years ago must have been many times higher than today, although the causes currently held responsible for this were not present – the burning of fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect caused by human activities to produce carbon dioxide. But they still have to build in the standard lie about man-made CO2 global warming. Publisher H. Jesse Smith obediently writes: “The absence of ice at this location means that the Greenland ice sheet must have added more than 1.4 meters to sea level, which is what we will soon see due to human-caused global warming.”
Again: 400,000 years ago, none of the influences that are now referred to as “man-made causes of global warming” existed, because there were hardly any people on Earth. There were no cars or animals at all. And forests as climate savers were in abundance!
The Science study therefore clearly demonstrates that a good 400,000 years ago, a large part of Greenland was dominated by an open, treeless landscape with lichens, mosses, grasses, and deciduous dwarf shrubs – in other words, resembled a tundra landscape, according to the Science research team the analysis of an ice core from the northwest of the island. According to the researchers, the result shows “how sensitively the Greenland ice sheet – the second largest ice mass on earth – reacts to temperature changes.”
At the same time, the study states that “the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at that time was far below today’s values: At that time it reached 286 ppm (parts per million), today it is significantly more than 400 ppm.”
The central contradictions to the gigantic climate lie known to us are concentrated in this sentence because according to these alleged CO2 measurements, CO2 (carbon dioxide) would not be involved in global warming because 400,000 years ago the Greenland ice sheet did not have a high CO2 content melted in the air, as presented in the study.
In the current study, the team led by Christ and Bierman used various methods to date this phase to what is known as Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11). “This interglacial ranged from 424,000 to 374,000 years ago and, at 50,000 years, is one of the longest interglacial periods in recent Earth history.” And that, so to speak, completely without people, completely without man-made greenhouse gases, completely without using fossil fuels, completely without animal husbandry—but with an unsurpassable jungle stock as climate protection!
Geo-scientist at UVM’s Rubenstein School of the Environment and Natural Resources and fellow at the Gund Institute for Environment, Paul R. Bierman, who led the study, said on 07/20/2023, “It is truly the first solid evidence that much of the Greenland ice sheet disappeared as it warmed up. Greenland’s past, preserved in 12 feet of frozen ground, bodes well for a warm, wet, and largely ice-free future for planet Earth.”
To write it down again: 400,000 years ago it got so warm in Greenland that the ice melted. And that is completely without man-made greenhouse gases, completely without using fossil fuels, completely without animal husbandry, but with an unsurpassable jungle stock as climate protection! Climate changes are apparently mainly dependent on the respective sun intensity. Climate changes are not triggered by any human impact.
That is why the physicist and climate geographer Professor Dr. Werner Kirstein says: “Climate change is and always has been completely independent of humans and CO2. Because the climate can neither be protected, changed nor damaged by humans! Climate protection is an infantile superstition and contradicts physics.”
In addition, all fictitious climate rescue measures are as ineffective as the COVID lethal injection against a coronavirus infection. The Science research group writes: “Even in a moderate climate scenario in which emissions would peak in 2040, CO2 levels would need tens of thousands of years to drop significantly again.”
Paul R. Bierman, the globalists’ contract propagandist for the trillions in climate action, warned mantra-style that global warming like 400,000 years ago can only be averted “if we can drastically reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.” (FRI, 07/21/2023)
In this regard, Dr. Peter F. Mayer on the TKP science portal on July 22, 2023: “So if global warming was caused by carbon dioxide 400,000 years ago, then it obviously happened in a mysterious but natural way and without coal-fired power plants and cars. In the Keeling curve, which is now used to justify the ‘Green Deal,’ there is no sign of such a massive CO2 concentration that should have lasted for centuries. Below the alleged CO2 concentration of the last 800,000 years.”
Of course, Karl Lauterbach (SPD), who has been commissioned by the globalists as an “all-round lobbyist”, should not be missing from the fanned climate-lying hysteria. After he hysterically propagated the Covid lethal injection for Pfizer and was made Minister of Health by Olaf Scholz for it, the goat was made a gardener by publicly declaring at the time that the horrible lethal injection was “an absolutely side-effect-free vaccination” (from the minutes 23.07), he now propagates the enforcement of climate terror measures. On the occasion of his vacation in Tuscany, Lauterbach tweeted on July 13, 2023: “Arrived in Bologna Italy today, now it’s off to Tuscany. The heat wave is spectacular here. If things continue like this, these holiday destinations will have no future in the long term. Climate change is destroying southern Europe. An era is coming to an end.”
“Lauterbach, the all-round hitman for the globalists,” said a system journalist friend at a colleague meeting in Hamburg on July 15, 2023.
The globalist man-destroyers will not stop de-essentializing us with climate terror, if only because of greed for money. We owe the fact that they temporarily stopped destroying with the Covid lethal injection, to President Vladimir Putin, who responded militarily to the West’s war provocation and thus is driving the West to collapse. Now they need all their strength against Russia, therefore the destruction of people with lethal injections has to take a break.
It’s still up to us whether we let “those up there” destroy us, or whether we “send them to the climate desert.”
Professor Werner Kirstein, a member of the faculty of Leipzig University, gave an interview recently, but only in German, here it is.
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