From US Army Medical Doctor: Covid Vaccines are Decimating US Army


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2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.

[The credentials of the doctor seem impeccable. I'm not fully sure how credible the source website is. But there seems to be some truth in this. Jan]


Jim Stone– "A well qualified 20 year veteran Army doctor with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel spent about 15 pages listing credentials and then started dropping bombshells. Here they are.

"I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated.

Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination.

Numerous soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues.

Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events.

Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation, and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.

The shots carry mRNA that causes the recipient to create trillions of spike proteins. This is a problem for five reasons.

First, it turns out that the spike proteins are not remaining locally in the (shoulder) injection site but have been found circulating in the blood and in virtually all organs of the body.

Second, the spike proteins themselves have been shown to be pathogenic (disease causing) attaching to endothelial, pulmonary and other cells, forming clots and attacking heart cells.

Third, the spike proteins and their lipid nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier, with unknown long-term effects on the brain and high concern for chronic neurodegenerative disorders.

Fourth, these spike proteins interact in many signaling pathways which may trigger tumor formation, cancer, and other serious diseases.

Fifth, according to Pfizer’s Japanese distribution study of LNP accumulation, unexpected sequestering in reproductive organs and spleen raise very serious long-term concerns. As aircrew Training Program (ATP) 5-19, 1-8 states we shall: Accept No Unnecessary Risk.

"An unnecessary risk is any risk that, if taken, will not contribute meaningfully to mission accomplishment or will needlessly endanger lives or resources." Army leaders accept only a level of risk in which the potential benefit outweighs the potential loss. From a risk management assessment perspective, with no long-term safety data regarding these five issues, this is an unacceptable risk management risk.

I have reviewed the Motion for a Preliminary Injunction which discusses the issue of prior immunity benefits outweighing the risks of using experimental Covid 19 Vaccines, together with proposed exhibits and materials cited therein.

In my opinion on this subject matter, I am also drawing my own conclusions that will be put into practice in my current role as an Army flight surgeon knowing full well the horrific repercussions this decision may befall me in terms of my career, my relationships and life as an Army doctor."

I can report on knowing over fifteen military physicians and healthcare providers who have shared experiences of having their safety concerns ignored and being ostracized for expressing or reporting safety concerns as they relate to COVID vaccinations. The politicization of SARs-CoV-2, treatments and vaccination strategies have completely compromised long-standing safety mechanisms, open and honest dialogue, and the trust of our service members in their health system and healthcare providers.

This doctor only saw a small portion of the problem, whatever soldiers she was over.


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Hitler‘s views were based on science and history. He was actually an ardent advocate of all White expansion and Colonisation.

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