From Mike King: Cuban Communism — Enabled by the Usual (Jewish) Crowd From New York


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Video: Jews explain that they own and control HISTORY! They will smear their enemies FOREVER
In this video we study something that Jews do behind the scenes. We look at Jews trying to silence someone with a private meeting and threats. I analyse what exactly the Jews say, and what it means. Once you understand this youll realise that Jews have poisoned ALL of WESTERN HISTORY! Youll never view history or the conclusions about anyone in history, the same ever again.

[Here you have it from Mike King himself. We whites in Africa hated Castro because he sent troops to Africa to spread communism here and to fight the whites. I agree with Mike King: Good riddance to the piece of shit Castro. Jan]

This article about the rightward swing of heavily Hispanic Miami correctly links the source of the spreading phenomenon to the city’s activist base of anti-Communist Cuban-Americans — who are now also influencing locals who came from other Latin American countries. It’s a good "teachable moment" for reviewing the hidden history of the Communist takeover of that once thriving island nation.

Most decent Americans over the age of 40, and certainly all readers of The Anti-New York Times, already know that Fidel Castro was a brutal communist dictator who ruined Cuba — driving its mostly White upper and middle classes to flee to Florida while the communist state and its rabble hordes dispossessed any productive Cubans who stayed. All we care to say about the unrepentant old bastard who died in 2016 is "good riddance" and "rot in Hell."

Of more interest and value to our eager students of real history is the long-since forgotten story of the mighty media organization that dusted off the badly defeated rebel, put him back on his feet, and helped to install him as dictator. That’s right, boys and girls. Without the maneuvering of Sulzberger’s Slimes namely the pro-communist correspondent Herbert Matthews (cough cough) — and the Evil Eisenhower State Department, Fidel Castro’s Marxist revolution of 1959 would never have succeeded.

ANYT 11/23/2020-MIAMI-CUBANS – The Real History Channel

"Thank you Comrade Matthews."

Castro was so grateful for Matthews’ help in overthrowing the pro-American Batista that he awarded him a medal. Cuba has been a backwards communist hell-hole ever since.

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White South African Murders page: Murders of Whites from 1996 to 2016
On this page, are collections of the names and details of Whites who were murdered during the period 1996 to 2016. The true number of Whites killed in South Africa since 1994, is stupendous, and nobody has got even a fraction of all the names. But this is the most comprehensive collection that the Boere State Party has currently. My own attorney told me that he thinks 100,000 Whites have been murdered during Black rule.

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