From: JB Campbell: The Wrecking Crew: The crimes of the Democrat Party and why it should be Liquidated


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[This is an interesting timeline that JB Campbell sent me. He and I have been talking. Jan]

His comments:
The Wrecking Crew

Here’s his timeline:-

Short history of Democrat Party crimes requiring the death penalty.


Edward M. “Colonel” House – Phillip Dru: Administrator – crude design of world government – published anonymously and kept a secret almost thirty years due to House’s treachery in writing it.


House selects and controls the Democrat candidate for president (Wilson), persuades TR to run and split the GOP vote (Taft). Wilson wins.


16th Amendment – Income tax/IRS – fraudulently passed – engineered by House and associates.

17th Amendment – Direct election of senators – nullified USC – engineered by House and associates.

Federal Reserve System – engineered by House, Warburg and associates.


WWI – millions dead


Lusitania sunk with 1200 passengers including 123 Americans.


House and Wilson send Trotsky from NYC to St. Petersburg, Germany sends Lenin from Zurich to join Trotsky. Communism created. Millions dead.

Wilson declares war on Germany because of Lusitania sinking two years earlier.


US soldiers vaccinated with Rockefeller vaccines, “Spanish Flu” breaks out at Ft. Riley, Kansas and spreads around the world, killing 50-100 million.


18th Amendment – Prohibition / creation of organized crime and police state.

Versailles Treaty – financial destruction of Germany by reparations and hyper-inflation – hundreds of thousands of Germans starve.

US Senate rejects League of Nations. Wilson’s handlers enraged.


Colonel House and the Dulles brothers form the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR plans WWII and the New World Order.


Colonel House picks FDR. Depression cripples US and world, gold outlawed, America criminalized. FDR provokes Germany and Japan.


FDR arranges for Pearl Harbor to be attacked. Japanese codes secretly broken months earlier. Withholds warning of navy and army commanders of imminent attack. FDR blames commanders for dereliction.

WWII – 60 million dead

America partners with Soviet and Chinese Communists against Axis.


Truman nukes Japan. Truman’s OSS puts Ho Chi Minh in power in North Vietnam. UN created. Yalta & Potsdam agreements communize Eastern Europe and China.


Truman creates CIA.


Truman and Stalin recognize Israel. Kim Il Sung made Communist dictator of N. Korea without objection from Truman.


Truman and Marshall disarm Chiang and arm Mao with Japanese materiel. China communized. Millions dead.


Korean War. Truman puts US troops under UN control. Millions dead.


LBJ lies us into Vietnam with fake Gulf of Tonkin. Millions dead.

The Wrecking Crew
No one has ever pointed out the crimes of the Democrat Party or called for its liquidation.

Here’s the timeline he drew up:-

LBJ and Israel cooperate on the Six Day War. LBJ orders the USS Liberty to be sunk by Israel and blamed on Egypt, which is to be nuked and occupied by US in the joint Operation Cyanide. Israel botches operation.

There follow about twenty-five years of war crimes by both parties. The Clintons order the massacre of the Branch Davidians after the botched gun raid failure. The militia movement grows by several million. Former CIA director Colby calls for its destruction.

Clinton’s FBI supplies bomb to the Arabs who place it in the WTC parking area and detonate it killing six people and injuring over a thousand. Agents John Anticev, Nancy Floyd and James Fox ordered informant Emad Salem to produce the bomb which was intended to topple Building Two into Building One. Fortunately the Arabs parked the truck too far from the central spine to break it. Damages are severe and amount to a half billion dollars.


Clintons blow up the OKC federal building. Scores killed. Militia movement destroyed overnight after six years of growth.


Obama and Holder supply two thousand rifles and pistols to Mexican cartels falsely to claim that Mexicans are being slaughtered due to the Second Amendment, which should be abolished.

Obama slaughters hundreds of Muslims with CIA drones.

Biden crime family makes millions selling influence of VP Joe Biden.

Clinton Foundation sells influence as secretary of state.


Hillary Clinton and DNC staff order the murders of party staffer Seth Rich and investigator Victor Thorn, attorney Shawn Lucas and whistle blower John Ashe.

Clinton and the DNC pay British intelligence to obstruct Trump’s campaign and administration. FBI aids DNC – no prosecutions.


DNC steals election by vote rigging. The Biden crime family is not charged with corruption. US currency becomes worthless from raging inflation. Food and fuel prices become out of reach for millions of Americans. Deadly “vaccines” poison billions worldwide. Biden helps millions of illegal aliens to invade the US. Democrat-controlled cities disintegrate into criminal hell on all levels.


This short history of Democrat Party crimes against humanity shows the futility and impossibility of a legal remedy or a political solution by voting for Republicans, who have failed to resist Democrat criminals ever since the rise of Woodrow Wilson. The corrupt US government must be overthrown and dumped on the trash heap. The Democrat Party must be outlawed and party leaders must be executed with no exception due to their proven destruction of this country. Democrats are Communist wolves in sheep’s clothing. All Communists must be executed without access to the corrupt legal system which has aided and abetted their shocking crimes for more than a century.

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