From Jan in South Africa … power outages … internet outages…


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Black Monday in 2017! The Biggest White protest about Farm Murders
128 Photos: The Day of White anger over Farm Murders! STOP KILLING OUR WHITE FARMERS!!! This was the biggest White protest in the history of South Africa. You‘ll be blown away by what Whites did that day!

This is just a quick item, as I was busy working on posting on my website there was a sudden power outage. I suspect it’s a rolling blackout – hopefully for no longer than 4 hours. We’ll see. Luckily, I’m sorted out and with some quick switching I’m running off my solar powered battery bank. This outage has occurred at 10pm at night.

But in the last week or so I had 2 big internet outages that lasted almost a whole day each time. So that makes work tricky. But I did manage to find out from engineers what had gone wrong. It seems that the location I get my internet from lost power but had backup batteries … THAT WEREN’T CHARGED!!! 🙂

Anyway, it’s more of the "RainBow Clown show" ….

And it’s good. Let the Clown shows continue as things implode.

Implosion is the way to the future … I like it … into the abyss … where the Monsters fight…

That’s where all Whites need to go. And hopefully, we in SA will be the FIRST!

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Der Videokanal des deutschen Helden Horst Mahler
Horst Mahler aus Deutschland hat mir einen Link zu seinem neuen Videokanal geschickt. Verbreiten Sie es gerne weiter. Der Mann ist ein Held. Sie behandelten ihn im Gefngnis sehr schlecht und er verlor seine Beine. Der Mann ist ein Held, der fr die Wahrheit kmpft!

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