From Jan: I phoned Handsome Truth of GoyimTV – The Jews are gunning for him like crazy
Video & Audio: Enormous Lies about the Confederates & the Evil Malice of the Freeing of the Slaves
In this show we discuss the Confederates and the American Civil War which took America in the wrong direction and which negatively impacts America to this day.
People have been telling me for a long time that HandsomeTruth is trying to get a hold of me. I finally managed to get through to him to speak to him directly.
I tried calling him a week ago without success. I had meant to call again sooner but I was busy and a bit tired. I managed to get hold of him about an hour ago.
We chatted for about 30 minutes until I ran out of air time on my mobile. But it was great chatting with him.
He did tell me about his own cases and Jews having him arrested and the court cases they’re tying him up in. I don’t want to say anything about his personal details, but I am concerned about him. It is very concerning when you can’t get legal representation. It is CRITICAL that he gets some people with legal skills, even if they can only advise him quietly from behind the scenes.
The Jews are dangerous and very tricky when it comes to legal stuff.
We had a good chat, but I am worried about him. He is a very nice guy and he’s got a lot of balls.
I did speak to him about my GoyimTV problems.
I have a lot of sympathy for him and what he’s going through. He’s a really good guy, and I can see the Jews are coming at him like crazy trying to use every trick in the legal book to try to trip him up.
The Jews like to put Whites under pressure and to catch Whites off guard and then if Whites lose their cool in the slightest and they make a mistake then it’s slam-dunk and the Jews have you. Take for example the fine Reverend Matt Hale who got a hideous 40 year jail sentence for NO CRIME WHATSOEVER!
Jews are very well versed in court procedures and legal stuff and they know every dirty low down trick in the book.
It is clear that HT is trying his utmost. I’m impressed. But I don’t want to see him go to jail.
The Jew scum however, will do anything, no matter how DIRTY. They are ruthless in this stuff.
These hate-filled Jews will do everything they can to smash White men.
V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.