From Jan: Flying to the USA tomorrow – WTA – White Tribes of Africa – Could Whites have seized more of Africa?
Video: The Xmas I kicked the Jews out
People have asked me if I still talk to my Jewish friends? Heres the full story of what I did and the resulting consequences. This is how I awoke to the Jewish problem and what I did.
I’m flying out of South Africa to the USA tomorrow. Here are the last 2 videos in my 3 part series: The White Tribes of Africa. I might do a 4th video later in the year showing the Black African countries Whites abandoned where Whites had a pretty "high" population (by African standards) and whether Whites could have seized and fought for some additional African nations. It’s actually a fascinating study. I find the intermixing of Black run African Nations and White run African Nations to be an ignored part of our history. And the Whites and Blacks would automatically be at war with each other. It makes for a fascinating, European-like type of politics and war. The WHITE REDOUBT is what the US State Dept referred to us as. But the Redoubt could have been even bigger. Could Whites have seized more of Africa? I think so. I’ll deal with it later in the year.
Video: How Churchill made Americans hate Germans! Part 1
This was Britains greatest covert operation in its history, the British Security Coordination (BSC)! This is the real story behind the fictional character of James Bond.