From Donald Trump: I told you I would DRAIN THE SWAMP – My Comments


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[Trump is amazingly active. He sends out perhaps as many as 20 emails PER DAY. I'm actually amazed by the intensity of his mailing. I've never seen anything like it. He's constantly asking for money. He's not shy. Jan]


When I make a promise, I keep it.

I told you I would DRAIN THE SWAMP and purge Washington of woke bureaucrats, and that’s exactly what Schedule F accomplishes.

As your President, I implemented Schedule F so that Presidents could have the ability to FIRE federal employees who were BYPASSING democracy for their own benefit. These employees are doing a disservice to America and are the very Swamp creatures that we’re trying to get rid of.

I’m reaching out to you now with one very important request. I need YOU to bolster our Official Drain the Swamp Fund. The Democrats are working overtime to keep radicals like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the SQUAD in power, and only YOU can stop them.

**Every single dollar raised today will go directly towards our efforts to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

Please contribute $45 or more IMMEDIATELY towards our Official DRAIN THE SWAMP Fund and stand with me. >>

SUPPORTER: xxxxxxx


Thank you,

President Donald J. Trump Signature Headshot
Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States

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