From China with Love: Latest insanity (for us) from sodomite faggot Obama
Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: What is this at the house of a Treasonous Jew?
After the Communist Bolshevik Jew, Ronnie Kasrils had finished speaking, in January 2020, my friend and I had some coffee in the garden.
One of my American supporters sent this sentence:
Faggot Obama want’s anal wipe tests for Covid. Faggots will love it.
I’ve not heard of Obama’s suggestion, but I had heard that the Chinese are talking about anal wipe tests.
Now I hear, even from the USA, just like South Africa that they are claiming that new strains of COVID are making it WORSE! This is the opposite of the apparent herd immunity we were going to get … which is natural. In other words the more people who get it, the more immunity we have. Instead we seem to be going in the opposite direction a YEAR, yes, and entire YEAR after this started.
To be honest with you, I can’t help wondering whether the super rich and Jews are just trying to have fun with us and see how bloody idiotic we are and how much we will keep, er … bending over?
The whole thing is totally insane. I see you need to wear masks on planes. The airline and tourism industry is totally shattered globally. Though, that might be a good thing. Max Keiser refers to 2020 as "the year that changed everything" and indeed it is so. I am still wondering what the full drive is behind it.
The impact, also, is going to be LONG TERM. There has to be more to this than meets the eye and its totally stupid.
#HateSpeechHell: South African Censorship & anti-White Hell
Here are the crazy laws that White South Africans have to be wary of. You can go to jail so easily in South Africa.