From an Old German Friend of mine: The Jewish Plans to destroy Russia’s Tsar and to create Communism


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[This is a note that a good German friend of mine, who studied his history, sent to me regarding Jewish Bolshevism, aka communism, that created a bloody slaughter in Russia – the most hideous system that ever existed. Jan]

He wrote:
These guys were sent by Jacob Schiff and others already starting by 1900. They had the job to revolt against the Czar. That is, why the Czar at the time moved 400 million of his wealth to America, not knowing that they, these bankers, had already decided to have him and the whole Romanov family murdered. Alexander Kerensky, Aaron Kurbis, his real name was one of their tools, so was Jakov Swerdlovsk, who finally had the family murdered.

One could theorize that these 400 million dollars, which belonged to the Romanovs, was used as starting capital for the FED. in today’s terms these 400 million would probably be 20 trillion dollars or somewhere there.


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