Free our Brother Reverend Matt Hale: PLEASE SEND YOUR LETTERS TO PRESIDENT BIDEN; 2-4-50AC (2023 old year)


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Video: The Conspiracy to destroy Germany: How the Allies created WW2 for no reason
We take a look at a German documentary that is the BEST defence of Germany that Ive ever come across. This is from a German General of modern times who analysed the causes of WW2. In here you will see things youve never heard of before.

Friends and Supporters: We must do what we can to help free Matt. To do nothing is to accomplish nothing. You may use the form letters in the attachments or write your own letters. Biden is our president, we don’t like it but he is what we have for the next year. Matt has asked us to do this and if we care about what has been done to him, we do our part to get him home. Thank you for your help!! The letter template in all caps was written by a supporter.

I updated the other, non-supporter-composed letter to include a plea for President Biden to recognize that Matt is very deserving of clemency in regards to his ridiculously heavy-handed 40-year sentence. President Biden has been commuting the sentences of many people convicted of federal offenses.

Biden to issue first pardons of his term and reduce dozens of prison sentences.

LATEST ON MATT’S MAIL (2-4-50AC): Please continue to refrain from writing him until further notice. Only family and his attorney may write him at this time.

LATEST ON THE CIVIL RIGHTS CASE (2-4-50AC): No news on this front, but we expect new developments very soon. We are waiting for the judge to rule on whether The Civil Rights Case should be moved to the Southern District of Illinois or not from the Washington DC District.

Free Matt Hale!



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