FAQ01: Why do you use the Term NAZI? It is a derogatory word invented by Jews
What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.
I get asked this question so much that I think its time that I created an FAQ entry for it as the first entry!
People have taken me to task for this for years now, and this is my answer:
Since you know that NAZISM was really "National Socialism" or that the political party behind it was the NSDAP, that is fine for YOU. However, 99% (or more), of whites do NOT know this.
Now let me explain the process of education and teaching because I have been doing this on my websites for 20 years.
If you had to go to a white person and say to them: Hey, there is this great system called National Socialism (NS), and it solves problems in this and this way, and it is superior to capitalism in this way, etc, etc.
The person you are telling it to will also resist what you say by asking you: How do you know this system works? Who invented it, etc? Eventually, after you have, for a long time, skirted around the historical facts about Hitler and Germany, you will be pressed for firmer answers. And when you eventually admit that this system was invented in Germany and used to great effect, and you tell them about the lies about Germany and Hitler … the person will eventually "get it" and "click" and say: Ah! So you’re talking about NAZISM!!!!!
I operate differently. Instead of beating about the bush, I go straight to the facts that NAZISM has been lied about. NAZISM is a useful word. Jews and all the stupid Allies have shoved this word into everyone’s conscience. If you had to use the word NAZI … just say the word NAZI even once in any group of people, then everyone will know in an instant, from those 4 letters that you are talking about:-
o Germany 1930s-1940s
o WW2
o Hitler
o A Racial political/economic system
If people are searching on the Internet, they will almost all be searching for: Hitler, WW2, NAZISM, etc. Very few, especially those who are indoctrinated will search for "NS" or "National Socialism". They won’t even know the term exists.
It is therefore simpler to take the term NAZI and use it outright and come out of the starting gate saying: THE JEWS AND ALLIES LIED ABOUT THE NAZIS, ABOUT HITLER, ABOUT GERMANY.
In this age where the Internet has now been around for well over 25 years, many whites are already waking up to lies and "Fake news". It’s easier for them to grasp the concept. Oh… we were lied to about: 911/COVID, etc …. Ah… so we were lied to about Hitler, Germany, WW2 also! Yeah! I get that.
So I take that word, not because I like it, but because it is already firmly embedded in everyone’s mind. They know it. It gives them knowledge and context, and I tackle it head on. And others, hunting for info on WW2 will stumble upon it indirectly and discover that it too was a lie.
I therefore do not concern myself with the fact that some Jew used it as a derogatory term. I use it because it makes it much easier to get through to people and I tackle all the issues head on.
If I had to spend my time ducking and diving around terminology, avoiding Hitler, etc, etc. I would simply be making the task even more tedious and difficult. Instead, the straight on approach, which is what I normally use, works perfectly for me.
Jews curse everyone. There are words like RACISM and ANTISEMITISM which are aimed at whites and yet we all use those terms. I use NAZI a lot because it sets the scene quicker, and everyone knows who/what/where I am talking about.
Also I don’t duck and dive and hide behind things… I come out straight with it. And that is also more positive. People appreciate that. To sneak around is like sneaking around the world "race" which conservatives and others do. And it buys you very little. You do not fool many of your enemies. They see through you a mile off and you buy very few additional supporters on this basis of tip-toeing around. I don’t waste my time with these softly softly approaches. I go straight to the jugular. I call out Jews. I have had many people tell me that I red-pilled them and woke them up to the truth and they had no problem with my methods.
Video: WW2: Waffen SS: We Dreamed of something MARVELLOUS
If all Whites understood what Hitler was trying to do, ALL Whites, everywhere would all have become NAZIS! In this video we take a look at the Belgian Leon Degrelle who became a NAZI and later an officer in the Waffen SS.