FANTASTIC NEWS: 75% don’t believe! – Election Integrity: Most GOP Voters Still Think Biden Cheated – My Comments
Video: Heroes: The French Pilot who fought the United Nations alone in Africa!
This is the story of a French pilot named Max, who, incredibly, waged his own one-man war against the United Nations!
[This is lovely … It means the lie did not fly among a big portion of the US electorate. That is good news. I'm loving this. 75% of Americans think that you need an ID when voting. I hope that is a good enough method of solving the rigging by software problem. I hope the Radical Jewish Left does not find some other way around this. But for me, what is critical is that this shows an enormous LACK OF TRUST in the system. This is still HUGE! HUGE! And I'm delighted that the lies did not succeed in the end, despite the fact that the court system and political system was still too corrupt to overturn the results. Still … it's a huge step forward … most people DON'T BELIEVE THE SYSTEM! Nice! Jan]
Support for voter ID laws to prevent cheating in elections remains high, and most Republican voters remain unconvinced that President Joe Biden was elected fairly.
A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 75% of Likely U.S. voters believe that requiring photo ID to vote is a reasonable measure to protect the integrity of elections, while 19% disagree. Those findings are virtually unchanged since June.
Video: Rockwell: The greatest NAZI genius AFTER WW2 Killed by the Jews!
I interview Pastor Francis J. Smith, a Christian Pastor who knew the late George Lincoln Rockwell. I regard this as a very important interview because this 95 year old man told me about personal experiences and observations of the late George Lincoln Rockwell.