FANTASTIC: FLEEING WHITE AMERICAN FURY: Dylan Mulvaney Leaves US, Claims I Had to Leave My Country to Feel Safe
USA: Black man stabs White woman and has sex with her as she dies...
I was a big fan of the show Medical Detectives. This story really got to me. And this Black man was not even executed.
[I am loving the fury and rage that has come from this Bud Lite shit. I hope White Americans cripple that company or bring it to the brink of bankruptcy. However, this is making me laugh so much. This demented worthless pervert now claims to be on the run. I hope that he/she fcks off from America for good. That would be awesome. The European Race has no time for sexual weirdos and freaking creeps like the garbage that Jewry is trying to shove in everyone's face everywhere. I hope Dyland gets the fck out of America for good. Chances are, this worthless sack of shit won't be able to survive outside of wonderful America and will need to come back to live there. JEWRY is hard at work destroying the West, and is leading the charge in AMERICA. Idiots like this, along with Jews and Liberals need to be sent to the middle of Africa to live with the Blacks there. then they will learn very quickly how AWESOME WESTERN CIVILISATION IS and to STOP DEMORALIZING WHITE AMERICANS AND TALKING THEIR LIBERAL GUILT SHIT. They need to spend some time inside AFRICA. That will clear their stupid demented heads. Assholes. Jan]
As sales of Bud Light went south, so did the trans influencer whose connection with the beer sparked its months-long sales decline.
On Monday, Dylan Mulvaney posted a video to his TikTok account claiming he was no longer safe in the United States.
“OK surprise! I’m in Peru, and I’m at Machu Picchu. Isn’t this just so beautiful,” Mulvaney began.
“I came here to feel something … And I definitely have. I have done shaman ceremonies that were like 10 years worth of therapy. It was wild.
“I’ve seen a lot of llamas, and the people here are so kind. I feel very safe here.”
“It’s a little sad that I had to leave my country to feel safe, but that will get better eventually,” he continued.
“And I am dying for some Trader Joe’s rolled chili lime chips, but other than that, I am so content. I still haven’t been kissed yet, but I’m holding out hope. And most of all this trip has me feeling like I’m my own best friend again. And that is the best feeling in the world, and I hope that you feel that way about yourself, too.”
The video drew a scathing response on Twitter.
Last month, Mulvaney criticized Anheuser-Busch for not doing more to support him during the boycott that saw the beer’s sales tumble, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
”I was waiting for the brand to reach out to me, but they never did. I’ve been scared to leave my house. For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse than not hiring a trans person at all,” he said then.
Newsweek noted that according to figures from industry consultant Bump Williams Consulting, over the four weeks that ended July 1, Bud Light’s revenue dropped 28 percent compared to the same time a year ago. Bud Light showed a 31.2 percent drop in the volume of beer sold.
Anson Frericks, former president of operations for the company, said Anheuser-Busch should be focused on calming customers, according to Fox Business.
He said he was “shocked … about the lack of clear response that the current CEO has delivered during this crisis.
He said Anheuser-Bush CEO Brendan Whitworth should have said the partnership with Mulvaney “was a mistake.’”
“‘We wouldn’t do this again because we’ve lost billions of dollars of market cap. Our brands are down almost 30 percent and all of a sudden, we’re putting a lot of our suppliers at risk, and they’re laying off hundreds of people from jobs at some of their suppliers. There’s going to be more employees at risk if we don’t find a CEO who can somehow address the situation, get those customers back that were always loyal to Bud Light and move this company forward,” he said.
He said Bud Light “was the largest brand in the U.S. because it was remarkably apolitical. It was always about sports, it was always about music, it was about bringing people together. That’s why it was a mistake that they did this campaign in the first place.”
S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.