EXCELLENT: Whites just doing crazier (GREAT!) stuff: Australian Reporter Drops Hammer on Live TV: Fit & Healthy People Are Dropping Down with Heart Issues


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[This is awesome. If you watched my video about the TWO Laws of the Jungle, well, this is an example of it at work. This White guy is starting to break the rules and go off script. I'm warning you, Whites will get crazier and crazier and we're gonna TEAR THE WHOLE DAMNED SYSTEM DOWN! Jan]

A popular Australian TV reporter went off-script during a live broadcast to raise concerns about people suffering severe side effects from Covid vaccines.

Nine Network host Karl Stefanovic left viewers stunned after he publicly criticized the latest recommendations for a fifth booster shot of the Covid vaccine on live TV.

On Wednesday, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) released new recommendations for COVID-19 booster shots for all adult Australians.

It states that all adults between the ages of 18 and 29 should get the fourth jab while all people above the age of 30 are recommended to get the fifth jab.

During Wednesday’s broadcast of Nine Network’s breakfast show “Today,” the hosts discussed the new ATAGI recommendations for boosters.

Stefanovic appeared to then veer off-script to declare that he’s “done with vaccines” before arguing that they can lead to “heart issues.”

During the initial roll-out of the first vaccinations, Stefanovic was one of many celebrities and media figures to promote the shots in Australia.

He received his jab on TV and encouraged the public to get their shots.

Stefanovic was also part of the Australian government’s advertisement campaign for vaccines.

However, he has now changed his tune.

“As you know, I’m not a glowing ambassador for more than two shots,” Stefanovic said in seemingly unscripted comments.

“I’ve just decided that I’ve had Covid a couple of times and I’m done with the vaccines.”

Stefanovic then discussed the boosters with medical expert Dr. Nick Coatsworth.

He asked Coatsworth if the vaccines “are necessary” before going completely off script to discuss sudden deaths and heart issues.

Stefanovic said he is now more worried about having complications if he has another dose of the vaccine than he is about getting Covid.

“The other thing that I’m concerned about is that if I have another dose, that I may get complications,” he said.

“I’ve seen all this, all these reports on the Internet about fit and healthy people just dropping down with heart issues, and it’s still not obviously established yet whether or not the vaccine caused some of these heart issues.

“But that’s a worry for me more so than getting Covid.”

Source: https://slaynews.com/news/australian-reporter-live-tv-fit-healthy-people-dropping-down-heart-issues/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter

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