Excellent: White South African writer is delighted over the Trump win & laughs


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Jews can have Christian & Muslim women as Sex Slaves says British Rabbi
The Rabbi who said this is the chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth. This British Rabbi is actually a Jew from South Africa.

What a wonderful week it has been. Could it be that some sanity is gradually being restored to the Western world? Well to the United States at least but hopefully the message will spread, although I fear the UK is a hopelessly woke basket case for the next five years under Labour although I doubt if Starmer will stay the course.

I normally wake early but last wednesday I awoke (no pun intended) earlier than usual and shambled off to the kitchen to put the kettle on and check the newswires. It was already clear that Trump’s Republicans were further ahead than any of the pollsters and the Democrat loving political ‘analysts’ had predicted but there was still some way to go to get to the magic 270 number.

Later in the morning it became abundantly clear that this was going to be a strong Republican victory and that there was a very good chance that the Republican party would control both houses and win all seven swing states. On Sunday morning there were still 17 votes to come in for the House of Representatives with the Democrats at 205 and the Republicans at 213 (218 votes needed for a majority) so, unless the laws of probability play a nasty trick, it seems as though the Republicans are home and dry. Can nearly 75 million US voters be wrong?

Well, apparently they can and I’m happy to say that I spent a good part of Wednesday evening and Thursday watching the horrified reaction from much of the US lefty media and enjoying all the gloating from the US right-wing, racist, Neo-Nazi media. And the delightful Rita Panahi on SkyNews Australia was also a pleasure to watch.

The term ‘bedwetters’ came under some scrutiny last week and I must admit that it is a pretty weak term for the sort of psychotic behaviour that gave me so many belly laughs. Maybe we should borrow from Michael Palin’s line in ‘The Life of Brian’ and refer to them collectively as the ‘incontinentsia’ as opposed to the intelligentsia.

The online meltdowns were spectacular and you really have to wonder at the sanity of the sort of people who turn on their Smart phone’s video and then have a tearful rant, screaming at the phone and then go on to post it on social media for all to see. Hopefully these vids won’t affect any future job applications.

Clearly the Trump mega-victory has got to a lot of Americans with the lefty media telling us that almost 75 million wrong-thinking voters in the US are obviously uneducated bigots and racists. The bimbos on a programme called ‘The View’ reckon it’s all down to the uneducated female voters; the sort of women who work for a living rather than go off to lecture on ‘Trans Rights and Intersectional Studies’ at what passes for a university these days. The fact that they may not have much liked what the Democrats were serving up never seems to occur to the bimbos as they demonstrate huge disdain for the democratic process; unless it goes their way of course.

I watched a video of a woman shaving her head in protest and this is apparently now catching on along with a refusal to have sex with a man for the next four years. I have to say that, having watched the videos, the sort of women who are shaving their heads and throwing out threats of a four year sexual abstinence are almost certainly inadvertently doing menfolk a huge favour for which we should be grateful. This is not the deep end of the gene pool we are talking about here.

At Harvard University (which used to be regarded as an Ivy League place of learning) many lectures were cancelled and students “who are hurting badly from from the election results, who are scared and who are unsure how to go on” (in the words of a Harvard Professor) were urged to seek help and reach out to fellow sufferers. And maybe buy a kitten to hug.

What also became clear is that Democrat supporting Hollywood celebrities and overpaid entertainers had absolutely no effect whatsoever on the election result. Someone has already joked that the over-hyped Taylor Swift is already writing a new song about being let down again by a man (this is the theme of all her songs I’m told).

Many of Kamala Harris’s celeb buddies threatened to leave the US if Donald Trump won but I haven’t noticed a sudden wave of LA mansions for sale. If I were Donald Trump I would go through the list, revoke their US citizenship and give them 90 days to sell up and get the hell out. As I mentioned last week, Bono of U2 fame threatened to drive a car off a cliff if Trump won. In the words of one his songs “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” …. presumably his car keys? C’mon Bono, don’t disappoint us.

But it wasn’t only the Democrat media cry-bullies that were throwing hissy fits. We didn’t do too badly locally either.

Predictably COVID vaccine shills like Ivo Vegter and John Maytham were clearly not happy with the election result and obviously the gang at News24 and Daily Maverick had all been instructed on the correct line to take and been told that this is the end of civilisation as we know it. Zapiro produced a pathetic cartoon of Trump as a bursting boil on a vomiting image of planet earth which could have been drawn, as one critic remarked, by a twelve year old. But, crap though it was, it left you in no doubt as to Johnny Shapiro’s views on this seismic political event.

Best of all though were some of the Tweets on that evil Neo-Nazi Elon Musk’s social media network known as X. Are some people naturally stupid or do they get up early in the morning to practice? You would think, wouldn’t you, that if Elon Musk is as evil and sinister as some of the media like to portray him then you wouldn’t want to use X (or Twitter) to express your views. Who knows, he might track you down in the next few weeks and kill the family dog?

Anyway, the winner for me was Redi Thlabi who used to host a breakfast show on Talk Radio 702 before she moved overseas to get away from the mess the ANC was making of the country.

She tweeted:
“ Also crying. Devastated. Convicted sex felon, rabid racist, insurrectionist but “he loves us, not them”. So that works clearly.”

But Jenny Crass-Williams (also a sometime broadcaster) came a very close second with this pearler of a Tweet dated 8th November; by which time most of us had a pretty good idea who had won:
“I woke up to the news of Trump’s likely win, but not confirmed. I thought: the swing states! They’re not in yet! And went about my early morning chores. What is wrong with American women? Haven’t they read The Handmaid’s Tale?

Since The Donald received just under 75 million votes I imagine that many of his female voters (uneducated albeit) may well have read The Handmaid’s Tale or had probably seen it on telly (remember-uneducated female Republican voters have trouble reading). And yet, according to Jenny, they were obviously too thick to realise that the US is about to become the fictional Gilead of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel.

In the novel, in the totalitarian state of Gilead which has overthrown the US government, selected women are forced to bear children to the party leaders. Women are treated as second class citizens with strict dress codes to reflect their status in society but it’s nowhere near as bad as the dress code for women in Iran or Afghanistan. This obviously explains the head shaving and the celibacy threat.

Then, as if things couldn’t get any worse Redi Thlabi invoked the ghost of the late race grifter and hate merchant Eusebius McKaiser:

“Wish you were here @Eusebius. The world needs your courage, unwavering principles and your VOICE.”

This Tweet had 116 000 views and 180 replies and I think it’s fair to say that the majority of the replies did not project the same desire for the second coming of Eusebius although the normally sane Pauli Van Wyk also wished for the wisdom of old Eubie.

However, a man can have a surfeit of schadenfreude and eventually the whimpering wokists, the bed-wetters and the incontinentsia become too much to cope with because we are never going to convince them that the world is about to change for the better, led by a rejuvenated United States.

Hopefully we will all be able to define what a woman is before too long and the bullshit of critical race theory and diversity, inclusivity and equity will become bad memories as normality is resumed. The climate change con trick will be kicked into touch as the new regime realises that the elusive clean energy isn’t going to work if you want to manufacture things. Just ask the Germans about that one.

With any luck the universities will be encouraged to kick out the shysters peddling useless degree courses on the lyrics of Taylor Swift and will start to attract bright young people who are there because of brain power rather than thanks to a quota system.

I am hugely optimistic about the future but have one reservation. Since The Donald doesn’t start his new job until January 20th is there anything to prevent Joe Biden absently mindedly hitting that red button and maliciously launching a few nuclear missiles? Let’s hope that, like Bono, he can’t remember where the key is.

Source: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/opinion/the-big-gloat?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=b767297fba-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_11_12_07_11&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b767297fba-140246843#google_vignette

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