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16 Pics: A Jewish Communist assassin stabbed S.African Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to DEATH!
Dr Hendrick Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa. He was *HATED* by the Jews and is regarded as the main creator of Apartheid. Apartheid was White Racialism whereby all Whites (Afrikaans and English) ruled SA together. Verwoerd was unquestionably the Greatest White leader in the history of SA. Jews had him killed.

This is a fabulous site with lots of data exposing the total hogwash that has come out of the lying Jews’ mouths. I hope this will help newbies to start learning the facts about what really went on in WW2. Everything you heard about Evil Hitler and the dreadful NAZIs is just a bunch of putrid Jewish garbage. It has no basis.

Check out this fascinating website: https://holohoax101.org/

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White Shop: Bumper Sticker: Rebel SS vinyl sticker
These premium vinyl weatherproof bumper stickers are very durable and have an aggressive permanent adhesive that was created to withstand extreme elements. For indoor or outdoor use.

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