EXCELLENT: The Disturbing Appeal of Boogaloo Violence to Military Men – My Comments
100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.
[What interests me a lot in this is that US veterans, have been caught in this. This confirms my view that there are US veterans who are pro-white. This is probably true for the cops too. I am very delighted to see them willing to join this movement. Clearly they LACK the deeper skills that are needed to remain covert and in this case, they were ratted out by others. Preparing militarily is VERY VERY TRICKY AND VERY DANGEROUS – even for former soldiers. But what pleases me intensely is to see that there are white males, with military experience who are willing to wage a racial war on US soil, to save America from Jews and Blacks. That for me is HUGE. I have long suspected this to be true, but now we see it. I'm very sad these guys were caught. Given the way things are going in the USA, this is an excellent sign. This means there WILL be white males, with military experience willing to fight for keeping the USA white. That's a great take-away. EXCELLENT STUFF. I'm sad they got caught. They should be regarded as heroes. Life will get ever trickier and more dangerous for white males in the USA and elsewhere, but this is how we must move forward. We must not just retreat endlessly. Its time to begin drawing lines in the sand and time to begin getting serious about politics. Jews are destroying the entire Western world. This needs to be stopped dead in its tracks, and as I've said before, and I will repeat this: WHITE MEN WITH GUNS will be the ONLY WAY. The Politicians are too weak. They are too spineless. They are totally in the hands of Jewry. The Politicians will fail the masses just as they did to us here. But the WHITE MALE will be the last bastion of the Western World. Jan]
A decade ago, Stephen Parshall served in the Navy as an aviation mechanic. His four-year stateside stint earned him the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, standard fare for members of the Armed Forces supporting the sprawling conflict that began in September 2001.
On May 30, Parshall and two other men were arrested for allegedly plotting several attacks on protests, government facilities, and electrical infrastructure. His alleged accomplices were also current or former military members. According to prosecutors, the three were drawn together by the Boogaloo, an emerging, violent ideology that’s gaining popularity among some troops and veterans.
Fantasies of a violent tipping point feature prominently in the Boogaloo scene, which—while relatively new and not an ideological monolith—generally trends right-wing or fringe libertarian, with many of its memes and aesthetic markers borrowed from more explicitly racist alt-right and 4chan culture. The movement is broadly anti-government, and talks often of sparking a civil war.
In the midst of that are current and former service members talking about waging war on U.S. soil. Participation by military members in an anti-government movement might seem counterintuitive on its face, but the Boogaloo movement is only the latest in a long series of fringe paramilitary scenes that court American troops.
Parshall, 35; Andrew Lynam, 23; and William Loomis, 40, were arrested at a Black Lives Matter protest in Las Vegas. But the trio weren’t there to protest the death of George Floyd, prosecutors say. Instead, they allegedly planned to throw Molotov cocktails and incite violence, in the hopes of sparking greater unrest.
Their Las Vegas cell came under investigation in April, when one of Parshall and Lynam’s associates contacted the FBI about what that person claimed was the two men’s interest in conducting a terror attack, prosecutors said. The person agreed to become a confidential informant in the group, and gathered with members as they allegedly discussed plots to commit violence and overthrow the government.
The trio allegedly went heavily armed to a “re-open” rally in Las Vegas—one of the largely conservative protests attended by people who wanted to end COVID-19 business closures. There, they allegedly talked of targeting government infrastructure, like a ranger station at a nearby lake.
During later meetings, they allegedly planned to blow up a power station and throw smoke bombs at a different re-open protest. (They allegedly went to the protest but got cold feet when they saw cops watching them.) Finally, on May 30, they allegedly attended the Black Lives Matter protest with Molotov cocktails and a plot to spark chaos. The FBI arrested all three on the spot.
The Boogaloo crowd’s intense focus on weapons and training requires the ability to talk the talk—there is a huge amount of jargon in the gun groups…
The trio’s arrest contributed to growing scrutiny of the Boogaloo movement, as well as the military records of many therein. Parshall was a former Navy seaman, achieving the rank of E-3 during his 2007-2011 service. Lynam is currently a Private First Class in the U.S. Army Reserve, where he is a health-care specialist, an Army spokesperson told The Daily Beast. The spokesperson added that the Army Reserve “is committed to serving the people of the United States, and living the Army values. [Lynam’s] alleged actions are in direct contrast to these values and they are not representative of America’s Army Reserve.”
Loomis was an Air Force veteran. Although details on his dates of service and rank were not immediately available, he pleaded guilty to a traffic violation while living on the Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska in 2001, records show. Attorneys for Parshall and Loomis did not return a request for comment, and it was unclear if Lynam had retained a lawyer. The Department of Defense did not return a request for comment on how it was handling the Boogaloo movement among troops.
Megan Squire, an Elon University professor researching far-right extremism online, said that, among members of the armed forces, she has noticed a higher rate of Boogaloo participation than in other right-wing movements like the alt-right.
Some of that might be due to fewer Boogaloo participants hiding their involvement, due to the movement’s less explicit messaging, Squire noted. “But a bigger reason might be that the Boogaloo crowd’s intense focus on weapons and training requires the ability to talk the talk—there is a huge amount of jargon in the gun groups—and those with military training are therefore more respected and quicker to hit the ground running with anecdotes, familiarity with weapons, understanding of training protocols, and so on.”
A report by the disinformation-tracking group Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) in February described the military community as a potentially hot recruitment ground for the Boogaloo movement.
“The military community, in particular, may merit special consideration in risk evaluation and social-climate research because seditious memes are now tailored for infection among veterans and active service members,” researchers wrote.
At its most basic level, Boogaloo is an internet joke, onto which followers have grafted a still-solidifying ideology. Mike Harts, an Army veteran and Boogaloo adherent who spoke to the Associated Press last month, described it as a meme that evolved into a movement. That meme has racist roots, with much of the “Boogaloo” language emerging in extremist Telegrams, the Southern Poverty Law Center noted last week, even though “at times, members of online boogaloo communities have presented their political project as race-blind and, in some instances, actively express solidarity with the black freedom movement.”
Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-disturbing-appeal-of-boogaloo-violence-to-military-men
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Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.