EXCELLENT: Texas ban on abortion…
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[This is wild. There are some good things happening in Texas!!! Jan]
I received this:
Texas Ban on Abortions after 6 Weeks Takes Effect
September 1, 2021 By Operation Rescue 2 Comments
A human baby at six weeks gestation has a strong heartbeat. It is now illegal to kill babies in Texas after six weeks gestation.
By Cheryl Sullenger
Austin, TX – A new Texas law went into effect today that bans abortions after six weeks gestation when a heartbeat can be detected on a baby in the womb. Efforts by state abortionists to block the law failed after an emergency appeal for injunctive relief to the U.S. Supreme Court was met with no action.
The law is known as SB8 or the Heartbeat Law. While about a dozen other states have passed similar Heartbeat Bills, the Texas version is the only one in the nation not enjoined by a court.
Unlike other Heartbeat Bills, the Texas law provides for private citizens to sue abortionists and anyone who “aids and abets” the commission of an illegal abortion. If their suit is successful, they may collect a minimum of $10,000 and attorney fees. This allows abortionists to break the law to be held accountable even in areas of Texas where political forces would fail to enforce the law.
Operation Rescue has confirmed that Texas abortion businesses have stopped scheduling abortions after six weeks gestation.
Several Texas abortionists and abortion businesses sued to block the Texas law but no judge would award them an injunction blocking the law from going into effect. The lawsuit will continue with the law in effect.
It is believed that it will stop approximately 85 percent of all abortions done in Texas and could shut down several abortion businesses.
Currently, Texas has 20 active abortion facilities, two of which only conduct abortion through chemical means. All 20 facilities are subject to the new Heartbeat Law.
The U.S. Supreme Court may have declined to intervene in the Texas abortion ban since it has taken up a case involving a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks gestation. That case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, is set for oral arguments this fall with a decision expected sometime next spring.
Among abortion facilities that have sued to block the Texas Heartbeat Law are a rogue’s gallery of abortion businesses each with their own issues. Some of the more notorious include:
Whole Women’s Health: This abortion chain successfully sued to block portions of a sweeping abortion law, HB2, which was partially struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2016 WWH v. Hellerstedt case. However, Whole Women’s Health, which operates three abortion facilities in Texas, has been fined for the illegal dumping of aborted baby remains, failed numerous inspection reports, and has hospitalized women due to botched abortion procedures. Learn more: WWH Austin, WWH Fort Worth, WWH McCallen.
Planned Parenthood: This abortion chain operates seven surgical abortion facilities in Texas. The Planned Parenthood Center for Choices Surgical Services was documented to have sold aborted baby parts for the creation of humanized mice in 2015. Criminal referrals were made by both the U.S. Senate and House committees, but no prosecution ever occurred. That same abortion facility has also been the site of at least 24 botched abortion medical emergencies that have required women to be transported to hospital emergency rooms by ambulance. Learn more: PP Center for Choices Surgical Services.
Southwestern Women’s Surgical Center: This facility is owned and operated by aging abortionist Curtis Boyd, who boasts conducting illegal abortions prior to Roe v. Wade and admits that abortion is “killing” a baby. This location has been the site of several botched abortion emergencies. Learn more: SWSC.
Texas is now working to limit the distribution of abortion-inducing drugs and ban their delivery by mail.
“I commend Texas for their efforts to protect babies in the womb and their mothers, and I pray that the new Heartbeat Law saves millions of lives into the future,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
(end article)
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