Excellent Meme: White people … BE PROUD … of our amazing achievements!


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What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.

[I stole this from a fellow white’s website. We might only be 9% of the planet’s population but 97% of all scientific progress came from us. I wonder just what portion of the 97% came from the Germans!? We must pat each other on the back, and never back down for anything. Slice it any way you like it, but we ROCK!!! That’s why the jealous Jewish scum hate it when we become united and they fall over their own feet to try and stop whites even SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER! Jan]

[Ich habe das von der Website eines Kollegen gestohlen. Wir sind vielleicht nur 9% der Weltbevölkerung, aber 97% des gesamten wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts stammten von uns. Ich frage mich nur, welcher Anteil der 97% von den Deutschen kam !? Wir müssen uns gegenseitig auf den Rücken klopfen und dürfen niemals wegen irgendetwas zurücktreten. Schneide es wie es dir gefällt, aber wir SCHAUKELN !!! Deshalb hassen es die eifersüchtigen Juden, wenn wir uns einig werden und sie über ihre eigenen Füße fallen, um zu versuchen, die Weißen davon abzuhalten, sich auch nur mit anderen zu unterhalten! Jan]




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Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.

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