EXCELLENT: Joe Rogan: CNN ‘Lost A F*ckload Of Credibility’ Over C-19 Propaganda


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Video: The real evidence for Farm Murders in South Africa
This is the nastiest, hardest hitting video ever made about S.African Farm murders and the murder of Whites. This video is JAM PACKED with information the SA Government and President do NOT want you to see. They have lied to the Mass Media and even to American and European Presidents.

[I would add, that it's not just CNN. All Liberal media outlets are nothing more than corporate propaganda for the Jews and the Rich. Anyhow, Covid was wonderful and look at the mayhem it's caused for the stupid Liberal Mass Media. It's PRICELESS! You can view the video here: Source: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/joe-rogan-cnn-lost-a-fckload-of-credibility-over-c-19-propaganda/  Jan]

Joe Rogan says that CNN lost a “fuckload of credibility” spewing propaganda and yellow journalism during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“They changed my filter and turned me yellow on television? They took the original video of me and ran it through a filter to make me look horrible. They did some wild shit! But that wild shit cost them their credibility,” Rogan told guest Russel Brand during a Thursday episode of his podcast.

He then slammed the network over their framing of antiviral drug ivermectin, “calling it horse dewormer when it is a drug that won the Nobel Prize” and which is “on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines.”

“They were calling that horse dewormer to try and mock me because they knew that I was unvaccinated and I kicked COVID very quickly and they did not want that narrative out there,” said Rogan, adding “They were beholden to their handlers. They were beholden to the people that give them exorbitant amounts of money in advertising revenue and they fucking followed in line, and they all piled on and they lost a fuckload of credibility from it,” the Daily Caller reports.

The conversation echoes a 2021 episode when he slammed CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta.

As Rogan aptly notes, CNN is now “just a propaganda network.”

Source: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/joe-rogan-cnn-lost-a-fckload-of-credibility-over-c-19-propaganda/

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2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.

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