Excellent from Canadian Lady: The West should leave Africa & Middle East alone – LET THE BOERS HANDLE AFRICA!


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Video: Levels of Betrayal: The Jewish Nightmare nobody is expecting...
I also discuss how in South Africa, the National Party betrayed the AWB. In this video I discuss the concept of Jews using Whites to destroy other Whites. But in the end, ALL the Whites end up losing, including those who worked to destroy the Right Wing/Racial Whites.

[I know this lady well, and she sent this note around and I totally agree with it. Africa and the Middle East are a nightmare. The West should leave the Whites of Africa alone. Leave the Boers alone. This is a very brutal continent but we can handle these people. If only the West would just leave us alone to do as we see fit … and if Whites would support us … you'll see what is possible in this continent. This continent needs Ben Klassen's type of thinking for a Whiter, Brighter world. Jan]

Here’s her note:
My opinion is that Africa / middle east is a place we should stay out of.
Simply too many problems to get involved with them unless
We are going to make a deal to extract resources we need.
I think it is a mistake to get involved in their personal politics.

If we were to provide any assistance, I think it should only be to the
Afrikaanders, Afrikaners / Boers to defend themselves from the blacks.

Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: Levels of Betrayal: The Jewish Nightmare nobody is expecting...
I also discuss how in South Africa, the National Party betrayed the AWB. In this video I discuss the concept of Jews using Whites to destroy other Whites. But in the end, ALL the Whites end up losing, including those who worked to destroy the Right Wing/Racial Whites.

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