EXCELLENT: 61% of Voters Reject Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Anti-American Rhetoric – My Comments


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[It is excellent seeing that most Americans differ with this radical Liberal anti-White and anti-American fool. This is just one more sign that the Liberals, Jews and Left have gone too far. Jan]

Some Republicans in Congress want to censure Rep. Ilhan Omar for comments comparing the United States to terrorist groups, and most voters reject the Minnesota Democrat’s rhetoric.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters disagree with Omar’s remarks comparing the United States to Hamas and the Taliban, saying America has committed “crimes against humanity” and “unthinkable atrocities.” Twenty-four percent (24%) of voters agree with Omar’s comparison and 15% are not sure.

Source: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/june_2021/61_of_voters_reject_rep_ilhan_omar_s_anti_american_rhetoric_half_support_censure?utm_campaign=RR06162021DN&utm_source=criticalimapct&utm_medium=email

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