Even the GOOD JEWS are pure sacks of lying shit with regard to Hitler and Germans


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2009: German Magazine Spiegel says: South Africa Has Become a De Facto One-Party State
This is the only time that a major Western publication ever stated the obvious truth: That South Africa is a one party state. The best we can hope for is that the Blacks will fight it out among themselves eventually.

I steer clear of the "Good Jews" because all of them never miss a chance to lie about Hitler and the Germans. Not a day goes by. ALL Jews EVERYWHERE always try to slip in some lie about Hitler and the Germans. They ALWAYS try to equate the Germans, NAZIS or Hitler with EVIL.

The most recent thing I saw was the "Good Jew" Henry Makow and they were talking about "Cabalist Bankers created both the NAZIs and the Bolsheviks". Well, that’s a bunch of nonsense. Hitler did not need Jewish bankers. Hitler’s economics was amazing. He literally invented a totally new set of economics.

But Jews always work on things to fool NAZIs and racist Whites.

The GOOD JEWS are sacks of shit. They just tell DIFFERENT LIES. But they lie.

I get so irritated when I see Whites who fall for the notion of working with the Good Jews.

The Jews are constantly trying to EMBED THEMSELVES DEEPER into Western Society. I see that over and over again.

Hitler merely wanted to expel the worthless lying Jew scum.

Jews will NEVER STOP LYING. It is their nature. In the same way that the sky is BLUE, Jews will always find a way to lie.

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S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...

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