Email replies to people… Software fixes…


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2005: S.Africa: Trigger-happy black man kills himself
You can‘t make this stuff up. The Black fires randomly at some other Blacks ... then they shout at him ...

Some of you should have received emails from me, even if it was a far back as November 2019.

I spent over 14 hours working on some software fixes which I’m sure have solved the problems I was having.

If you sent a message to me more recently, you’ll get a reply shortly.

Ensuring reliable email has been a nightmare.

I have also found that people have left me messages, but they also entered faulty email addresses.

Anyhow, today was a step forward on something that’s been bothering me intensely.

I need some rest! I’ll be up later!

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S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.

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