Edward Dutton: THE ENGLISH HERD: Is the Tipping Point Coming in 2025? – My Comments
Video & Audio: What are the biggest FAULTS and WEAKNESSES of the Race?
After a LOT of thought, for a long period of time, these are my thoughts on our biggest faults and weaknesses as a race. As far back as 2022, I was giving this a lot of thought for a video. You might be surprised by my conclusions.
[His concept of research on the tipping point being 25% is interesting. Whites must just continue resisting and pushing back. Perhaps fear from endless Jewish/Liberal persecution will still cause things to take a bit longer, but I think the concept makes sense. People are getting tired, and we must keep focusing on Whites and education. This is critical. I see Edward is also using the herd term!! Jan]
What have we seen in just the last few days?
Firstly, it has been revealed that a leaked UK government report condemned those who were concerned about the grooming and gang rape by Pakistanis of underage white underclass girls (some as young as 9) in deprived English towns over the last 30 years as “right wing extremists” and “conspiracy theorists.”
Secondly, the country’s Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, declared that indoctrination with the joys of Multiculturalism must be ramped up in UK schools. These are schools where, already, the History curriculum is exclusively the Slave Trade and the Nazis.
Thirdly, the Under Secretary of State for "Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls," Jess Phillips, rejected calls for a public inquiry into Pakistani grooming gangs in Oldham in the Northwest of England. This has led to renewed fury over the deliberate cover-up of what went on by Woke-motivated social workers, politicians, and police who were concerned that if the truth came out, then "Multiculturalism" would be challenged. These "truths" include social workers claiming that the girls were difficult and basically deserved it, that (as one Pakistani Labour MP concurred) they should shut up about it for the sake of "diversity," a Rotherham girl having an air pump applied to her anus so that two Pakistani penises could fit up it, the same girl having a baseball bat inserted into her vagina for complaining, and a 14-year-old girl in Blackpool being raped, murdered, dismembered, and sold to fellow English people as kebab meat.
Oh, and there have been two Islamic terrorist attacks in the US, with the one in New Orleans having claimed 15 lives so far. This has happened in a context in which the wealthiest man in the world is putting his support behind the AfD in Germany, which is campaigning for the mass deportation of Muslim men, and behind the (albeit slightly cucked) Reform Party in the UK.
How does this relate to my Helsinki headmaster? He remarked to me that he noticed that once about one-third of the pupils at his school were non-Finns, then almost all of the Finnish pupils left and seemed to do so very quickly. Accordingly, by the time I spoke to him, his school, in a poor area of the Finnish capital, was overwhelmingly non-Finnish.
We are pack animals, and each member of our pack has a threshold. When this is reached, they will react. They will, for example, become angry about something, and this will gradually become clear, with subtle changes in how they behave. Alternatively, they might become anxious about something, with the same results. When enough people with low thresholds are activated, you start to get a cascade effect.
A study in the journal Science in 2018 – “Experimental evidence for tipping points in social convention” – found the tipping-point to be 25%. Once 25% of people in a group change their mind about, for example, which is the larger of two rectangles, then, even if the 25% are empirically wrong, the rest of the group will flip over to their point of view relatively quickly. The norms of the entire group will shift; there will be a cascade effect.
Why does this happen? It happens because the "radicals," oozing confidence, are seen as the up-and-coming elite; the Young Turks who are gaining power and, naturally, you want to be on the winning team. It happens because we are highly social creatures and we wish to be accepted; to not be left out, so we try to get in ahead of the rest to reap the relevant social benefits. It happens because most of us look to others for guidance; we rely on others and imitate them. There is something about a quarter of a group doing something or believing something new which signals to us that this is the way the herd is moving, and we had better move with them or be ripped apart by the wolves that stalk the stragglers.
We can find ways to justify ignoring what is happening when people with very low thresholds for the abuse of members of their group by Pakistani males get upset about it. In 2004, the British National Party (BNP) first drew attention to what was happening to underage white girls in these ex-Industrial northern towns. They were filmed doing so by an undercover reporter, and the leader of the BNP (as well as two other prominent members) was put on trial for inciting racial hatred. They were eventually found "Not Guilty," with their barrister mentioning the climate of fear in England which increasingly made people frightened to express their opinions. This was twenty years ago, and it’s obviously got far worse since.
We would expect, as living standards got worse and worse due to Multiculturalism and immigration – more and more crime, worse and worse services, competing with foreigners for jobs and scarce accommodation, openly lied to and held in contempt by your virtue-signaling elite – more and more people’s threshold for suppressing their feelings (or even for forcing themselves to believe in the benefits of Multiculturalism in order to feel moral and not like pariahs) would be surpassed. More and more people would start expressing how they genuinely felt in private conversations, which would embolden psychologically weaker and psychologically more conformist people to do the same. And if a powerful group whom they tend to imitate and grudgingly admire gets on board – the US, via Elon Musk tweeting about it all – then this will embolden the psychologically weak even further.
I get the impression that Sir Keir Starmer’s tone-deaf, authoritarian, nakedly partisan reaction to the riots in the wake of the Jihadist Stockport Massacre was a turning point for many people. With this, what was happening – two-tier policing, murder due to Multicultural policies, the contempt of the Woke elite for English people – was so obvious that the threshold was passed. More and more people were prepared to accept low-status yet empirically accurate beliefs: the English elite are wilfully following a policy to turn the English into a minority, they prefer Pakistani rapists to underclass English girls, the Multiculturalism from which they get their moral status must be upheld even if it means lying and sacrificing these girls (literally in the case of the one from Blackpool), and there is a low-level civil war in England in which Pakistani males engage in this behavior in order to humiliate the natives and signal their tribal success. Tribes always conquer other tribes by taking control of their females.
In December 1989, the Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceau?escu (1918-1989) infamously fell on live television when the herd moved in front of him while he was delivering a speech to the crowd in Bucharest. They began booing and laughing; their fear overcome; their threshold finally reached. Everyone, even his bodyguard who advised him to leave the stage, realized it was over. He was executed, along with his wife, on Christmas Day.
With the interrelated events of the past few days, I wonder if the English herd is finally beginning to move.
What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.