Donations please: Monthly Donation reminder…


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Video: Only Jews have a direct telephone line to God and they speak to him!
At first you might think this is really just about religion, but in fact, this discussion is not about religion. This is a discussion about other things.

This is a monthly reminder to anyone who would like to donate to support my work. I would be very grateful. Please remember that I’m not allowed adverts. I am totally dependent on you. Because of harassment I cannot openly publish my details.

If you would like to donate, then please just leave a message for me on the Contact us link of my website.

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Video & Audio: Race War: Boers Vs Zulus: The Battle of Blood River
16th December is the single most important day of the year for the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers. It commemorates a fascinating day wherein the Christians believe they struck a deal with God and that God came through for them.

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