Donald Trump’s Greatest contribution to America: Trade War with China – smash China


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Video: We Jews own EVERYTHING! JEWS103A: When Jewish Chameleons boast
Here I have film footage of a Jew boasting about what they own!

Steve Bannon says that Trump is considering a 60% tariff on Chinese goods.

This is very good. Trump has already smashed China with his first moves. This is excellent stuff and will save American jobs and bring industry back to America. This could be Trump’s greatest contribution to America, including White America. Just destroy Jewish/Communist China and let it go into free fall. It’s a nuisance now that it’s strong. Just destroy it economically. It’s already imploding. Let it collapse totally.

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British author asks: What did we win in WW2? 10 Myths (lies) the British believe about WW2!
Im delighted to see the British asking themselves questions about the utterly stupid war they fought, exclusively for the benefit of world Jewry!

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