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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

DONALD TRUMP THINKS LIKE A BUSINESS IDIOT – HE IS NO MATCH FOR MILITARISTIC PUTIN: I’ve been watching Trump patiently, but one thing really irks me. For all his bold bluster, he exhibits tremendous MILITARY SPINELESSNESS. What he says may sound cool to people about: Let all the killing stop. Let’s stop it immediately. Now Putin, is no genius himself. He’s actually just a desk clerk, a lawyer, and a propagandist and that’s all he is. He’s pretty much a goofball himself. However, Putin as the head of the "Russian System" has only one goal: WIN MILITARILY, NEVER RETREAT, PUSH FORWARD EVEN WHEN THEY cause you 1,500 casualties per day. Trump may be trying every trick in order to make Putin speak to him, but MILITARILY, he is SENDING A VERY BAD MESSAGE. Both the Russians and the Chinese will interpret this as a GREEN LIGHT THAT AMERICA IS WEAK. Neither Hitler, nor Napoleon, nor Caesar, nor any other great White Politician/Military leader would ever have spoken like Trump does. Trump shows that he only thinks in business terms. There may be a good benefit for Ukraine when US Mining interests move in. Then Ukraine is partly an American colony. And it seems to me, Trump will give Putin a bunch of business deals that will make him happy – FOR NOW. But this is very bad for Europe. The new German leader seems to be talking much stronger, and truly, I wish Europe would just ARM UP AND BREAK FREE from needing America as their baby sitter. Europe NEVER WAS WEAK. Europe was always the strongest and Europeans had the greatest global empire on Earth until Russia and America came and tore it apart. THE WORLD IS RUTHLESS AND STATECRAFT IS THE MOST RUTHLESS THING THERE IS. Trump thinks like a Jew. He thinks like a child. All he’s doing is putting off things which are best done now. The Russians only have about 1 year more of fightng capability before they are worn out, and Trump is actually going to strengthen Russia and love Russia and this will leave Ukraine and Europe vulnerable to the next Russian attack. Putin does not want peace. Putin’s mission, which is critical is to cause Ukraine to cease to exist as an independent state. It is to turn it into a puppet or a state that is subservient to Moscow. That’s the game here. Putin is aiming for CHECK MATE. I understand the American global game, and I don’t like it. This is the same in Africa and across the world. America is playing a game whereby it stops conflicts that could be resolved for once and for all with one side WINNING. Europe actually gave Ukraine more military support than America did. I am liking the way Europeans are, collectively, finding themselves speaking to each other. THIS IS FANTASTIC. THIS MAY BE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO EUROPE. Europe needs to get out of liberal mode, and start arming the hell up and becoming a GLOBAL PLAYER. Europe has the means. Europe is the biggest population of Whites on the planet. We have LOTS of tremendous European TALENT and GENIUS. It’s time that Europe asserted itself, but this time AS A UNIFIED FORCE. This could be the beginning of the rise of Europe, and if Germany, France and even Britain were to lead the way forward that would be awesome. I have pondered a German+French partnership many times. If Germany+France+Italy for example, worked together they would pack a serious punch. Or, if Germany can gather Europeans and drive the agenda. Our race is not a bunch of weak pussies. Russia is a BIG COMPETITOR AND IT WANTS TO BE ON THE BORDERS OF CENTRAL EUROPE AND IT MUST BE BEATEN BACK. Sadly, America stuffed up all the BRILLIANT WORK of Hitler’s invasion of Russia. If Hitler had been left alone, Moscow’s inhabitants would be speaking German and Germany and Europe would have it’s borders in Central Asia, close to India, and Europe would be the GLOBAL BOSS. America cocked that all up. America operates on Jewish type of thinking, like the British used to do, and that crap does not work in the long run. THOSE WARS WILL COME BACK. And if you thought lots of White men died needlessly NOW, well wait until THE NEXT WAR. Nations are ruthless, the world is ruthless and there is no other way out. You cannot TALK YOUR WAY OUT OF THESE THINGS. To quote Bismarck: The Great Questions of our age will be settled with BLOOD & IRON. That is how all the great questions are settled. All other Business thinking and Spiritual Thinking and Religious thinking and moral thinking is a bunch of crap. In the end even more people die and problems are left unsolved and they will burn another generation. Trump is merely going to POSTPONE THE WAR in the way that dozens and dozens of wars have been postponed. THEY DON’T GO AWAY AND YOU NEED STUPID PEACE KEEPERS and other silly and enormously WASTEFUL CONCEPTS. I am totally in favour of the EXPANSION OF EUROPE and I hope Ukraine AND OTHER WHITE STATES JOIN THE EUROPEAN BROTHERHOOD. Russia has been fighting in Europe since before the time of Frederick the Great. It’s time to get Russian military power out of Europe. Russian Armies have marched to Berlin and Vienna in the past, this must stop happening. The damned problem must be solved. I want to see a POWERFUL EUROPE AGAIN. All these other "super powers" are NOT helping the European race. A powerful, militarised Europe is necessary. America only has another 30 years before it’s debts are too insane for it to continue being the policeman of the world. The sooner Europe gets back into the game, the better.

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White Shop: Hitler‘s Regard for Mothers: Mother‘s Cross - Gold - for 8+ Children
Awarded in 3 grades, the Mothers Cross honored German motherhood. Militarias crosses the 2nd pattern, inscribed on the reverse, 16 Dezember 1938, A. A.H, and plated in bronze, silver or gold with blue and white enamel.

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